Article Type
Special Issue
“Gynaecological cancer screening” or “cervical screening?” The case of Hungary
1Office of Chief Medical Officer, Budapest, Hungary
2St. Stephen's Hospital, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Oncology Department, Budapest, Hungary
*Corresponding Author(s): L. Döbrőssy E-mail: dobrossy.lajos@oth.antsz.hu
In Hungary, "gynaecological cancer screening" by gynaecologists having interest in oncology has had a long history. The screening tool was colposcopy alone embedded in complete gynaecological examination. Later on smear-taking for cytology has been added. This screening protocol has survived until now both in the gynaecological community and public. In the meantime, as it proved its effectiveness, cytological examination has been internationally recommended, as sole method of organized cervical screening; in case of non-negative test result, gynaecological examination including colposcopy is justified. Smear-taking can be undertaken by trained paramedical personnel. The authors have made an attempt to argue the use of "cervical screening" instead of "gynaecological cancer screening", which is deeply entrenched into both professional and public consciousness in Hungary.
Cervical screening; Colposcopy; Cytology; Health visitors.
L. Döbrőssy,R. Koiss. “Gynaecological cancer screening” or “cervical screening?” The case of Hungary. European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology. 2016. 37(4);445-450.
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