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Detection of numerical aberration in chromosome 17 and c-erbB2 gene amplification in epithelial ovarian cancer using recently established dual color FISH

  • Y. Fukushi1
  • S. Sato1
  • Y. Yokoyama1,*,
  • K. Kudo1
  • H. Maruyama1
  • H. Maruyama1
  • Y. Saito1

1Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Hirosaki University School of Medicine, Hirosaki, Japan

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo20010123 Vol.22,Issue 1,January 2001 pp.23-25

Published: 10 January 2001

*Corresponding Author(s): Y. Yokoyama E-mail:


This paper presents a new dual color FISH technique that will allow the use of cell specimens isolated from formaldehyde-fixed and paraffin-embedded (F-P) tissues. The new FISH method was used to examine numerical aberration in chromosome 17 and c-erbB2 gene amplification in 26 F-P epithelial ovarian cancer tissues. Numerical aberration of chromosome 17 appears frequently in clear cell adenocarcinoma. The frequency of amplification of the c-erbB2 gene in stage III and IV cases was significantly higher than in stage I cases. The FISH technique as established here may serve as a molecular tool for examination of clinico-pathological significance in F-P tissues.


Dual color FISH; Formaldehyde-fixed and paraffin-embedded tissue; Numerical aberration of chromosome 17; Amplification of c-erbB2 gene; Epithelial ovarian cancer

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Y. Fukushi,S. Sato,Y. Yokoyama,K. Kudo,H. Maruyama,H. Maruyama,Y. Saito. Detection of numerical aberration in chromosome 17 and c-erbB2 gene amplification in epithelial ovarian cancer using recently established dual color FISH. European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology. 2001. 22(1);23-25.


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