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c-Myc oncoprotein expression and prognosis in patients with carcinoma of the cervix: An n immunohistochemical study

  • N. Vijayalakshmi1
  • G. Selvaluxmi2
  • V. Mahjl3
  • T. RAJKUMAR1,*,

1Dept. of Molecular Oncology, India

2Dept. of Radiotherapy, India

3Dept. of Pathology, Cancer Institute (WIA), Chennai, India

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo200202135 Vol.23,Issue 2,March 2002 pp.135-138

Published: 10 March 2002

*Corresponding Author(s): T. RAJKUMAR E-mail:


Objective: Evaluation of the prognostic significance of c-Myc expression in carcinoma of the cervix.

Materials and methods: 132 patients with carcinoma of the cervix presenting at the Cancer Institute in Chennai from 1996-1999 were included in the study. All the cases were treated with a radical course of radiotherapy and had a median follow-up of 36 months. Paraffin blocks obtained from the punch biopsies from the tumours were used for immunohistochemistry.

Results: c-Myc nuclear immunoreactivity was observed in 44/132 (33.3%) of tumours. Patients with tumours in Stages 11 B and III B accounted for 112/132 (84.8%) of the cases. Patients with tumours expressing c-Myc nuclear immunoreactivity were found to have more advanced disease; less likely to achieve complete remission (54.5% vs. 78.4%; p < 0.005) and lower disease-free status (52.3% versus 73.8%; p < 0.014). The poor prognostic feature of c-Myc nuclear immunoreactivity was seen in both stage II B (52.9% vs. 76.3%) and stage III B (38.1% vs. 69.4%; p < 0.025).

Conclusions: c-Myc nuclear immunoreactivity is a predictor of poorer response to radiotherapy and poorer disease free status in stage II B and III B carcinoma of the cervix.


c-Myc expression; Carcinoma cervix; Prognosis

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N. Vijayalakshmi,G. Selvaluxmi,V. Mahjl,T. RAJKUMAR. c-Myc oncoprotein expression and prognosis in patients with carcinoma of the cervix: An n immunohistochemical study. European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology. 2002. 23(2);135-138.


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