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Does FIGO clinical stage influence the survival of patients with early stages of uterine cervix carcinoma

  • M. Martin-Loeches 1,*,
  • R. M. Orti2
  • I. Aznar1
  • E. Asins1
  • J. Llixiona1

1Service of Gynaecologic Oncology, Department of Gynaecology, "La Fe" University Hospital, Spain

2Service of Preventive Medicine, Clinic University Hospital, Valencia, Spain

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo200206501 Vol.23,Issue 6,November 2002 pp.501-504

Published: 10 November 2002

*Corresponding Author(s): M. Martin-Loeches E-mail:


We studied the influence of the FIGO clinical stage on the prognosis of 114 patients with early stages of uterine cervix carcinoma who had been treated with radical surgery in the "La Fe" Maternity Hospital in Valencia between 1971 and 1989. The prognosis became worse with each clinical stage, in line with the fact that the more advanced clinical stages are more likely to have certain types of spread, larger tumours and a greater stromal invasion depth. However, the Cox regression adjustment of the variables predicting disease-free and survival intervals, including the clinical stage and preoperative and postoperative treatment, did not reveal a significant link between clinical stage and the prognostic indices studied, while postoperative treatment variables showed a great predictive capacity, possibly due to the fact that the postoperative treatment used in more advanced stages is more aggressive.


Clinical stage; Cervix cancer; Radical surgery; Prognosis

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M. Martin-Loeches ,R. M. Orti,I. Aznar,E. Asins,J. Llixiona. Does FIGO clinical stage influence the survival of patients with early stages of uterine cervix carcinoma. European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology. 2002. 23(6);501-504.


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