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Case Reports

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The management of ectopic breast cancer - Case Report

  • W.A.A. Tjalma1,*,
  • L.L.C. Senten1

1Department of Gynaecology and Gynaecological Oncology, University Hospital Annverpen, Edegem, Belgium

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo200604414 Vol.27,Issue 4,July 2006 pp.414-416

Published: 10 July 2006

*Corresponding Author(s): W.A.A. Tjalma E-mail:


Ectopic breast tissue occurs when the mammary ridge fails to resolve during embryonic development. Ectopic breasts, either supernumerary or aberrant, have an incidence of 6%. Ectopic breast tissue is however hardly mentioned in the literature. Also benign and malignant alterations in these "breasts" are under-reported. The lifetime risk of women being diagnosed with breast cancer is 13%. It should be recommended that these "breasts" be included in the screening. Due to the unawareness this is generally not happening. The present article describes a case of ectopic breast cancer and discusses therapeutic management. A subcutaneous mass along the 'milk line' should be examined carefully and any suspicious lesions should be approached according to the guidelines for the management of symptomatic breast disease. Ipsilateral prophylactic mastectomy has no role in the management of a single ectopic breast cancer tissue.


Ectopic; Accessory; Aberrant; Breast; Cancer; Screening

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W.A.A. Tjalma,L.L.C. Senten. The management of ectopic breast cancer - Case Report. European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology. 2006. 27(4);414-416.


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