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Case Reports

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Sentinel node biopsy helps to diagnose spread of endometrial cancer. A case report

  • A.S. Bats1
  • D. Clement1
  • M.A. Le Frere-Belda2
  • F. Larousserie1
  • M.A. Collignon3
  • C. Hignette3
  • F. Lecuru1,*,

1Gynecologic Oncology Department, France

2Pathology Department, France

3Nuclear Medicine Department "Georges Pompidou" European Hospital, and University of Paris-Descartes, Faculty-of de Medicine, Paris, France

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo200604440 Vol.27,Issue 4,July 2006 pp.440-442

Published: 10 July 2006

*Corresponding Author(s): F. Lecuru E-mail:


Background: The sentinel lymph node (SLN) could improve the staging of endometrial cancer.

Case: In a patient with endometrial cancer, preoperative lymphoscintigraphy showed a highly radioactive SLN in the left external iliac chain and a radioactive SLN in the right external iliac chain and at the promontory. Intraoperative lymphatic mapping using blue dye and a hand-held gamma probe showed the same nodes, as well as a blue node near the vena cava. Selective removal of these nodes allowed detection of a micrometastasis in the left external iliac node. Pelvic node dissection was performed, and a micrometastasis was found in a left non sentinel iliac node.

Conclusion: The presence in our patient of micrometastases in a SLN and in a non-SLN belonging to the same chain confirms the value of SLN detection for diagnosing tumor spread.


Endometrial cancer; Sentinel node biopsy; Combined detection; Lymphoscintigraphy; Micrometastasis

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A.S. Bats,D. Clement,M.A. Le Frere-Belda,F. Larousserie,M.A. Collignon,C. Hignette,F. Lecuru. Sentinel node biopsy helps to diagnose spread of endometrial cancer. A case report. European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology. 2006. 27(4);440-442.


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