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Primary gynaecological tumours mistaken for metastases: report of two cases with review of literature

  • P.A. Menon1,*,
  • G. Kousparos2
  • G.A. Culora1

1Department of Cellular Pathology, Guy’s & St. Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, London, England

2Department of Cellular Pathology, St. George’s Hospital, Blackshaw Road, London, UK

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo201201109 Vol.33,Issue 1,January 2012 pp.109-115

Published: 10 January 2012

*Corresponding Author(s): P.A. Menon E-mail:


We describe two neoplasms of rare occurrence, one of ovarian and the other of uterine origin that were sent for consultation. Both lesions were diagnosed as metastatic carcinomas by pathologists with special interest in gynaecological pathology. The cases were referred for a second opinion because of subsequent failure to identify the primary source. We discuss the differential diagnoses, the need for generous sampling particularly in ovarian mucinous neoplasms and the value of including particular antibodies in the panel to aid the diagnostic process. Metastatic tumours mimicking primary tumours are always challenging. These two cases illustrate the need to be vigilant against the reverse scenario as well.


Ovary; Mucinous neoplasms; Uterus; Neoplasms; Sex cord-like differentiation

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P.A. Menon,G. Kousparos,G.A. Culora. Primary gynaecological tumours mistaken for metastases: report of two cases with review of literature. European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology. 2012. 33(1);109-115.


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