Article Type
Special Issue
A comparative study of intensity-modulated radiotherapy and standard radiation field with concurrent chemotherapy for local advanced cervical cancer
1Department of Radiation Oncology, Huai’an First People’s Hospital, Nanjing Medical University, Huai’an, Jiangsu Province, China
*Corresponding Author(s): C. Yu E-mail: changhuyu@126.com
Objective: This study aimed to compare three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy (3D CRT) and intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) combined with concurrent chemotherapy for cervical cancer. Materials and Methods: A total of 72 patients with Grades IIa–IIIb cervical cancer were randomly divided into two groups, namely, the IMRT group for IMRT plan (primary lesion, 45 Gy/22; the pelvic wall lymphatic drainage area, 50 Gy/22), and the 3D CRT group (conformal pelvic radiotherapy, 45 Gy/22; subsequent supplement of pelvic wall, 6.0 Gy/3). Both groups received concurrent chemotherapy of nedaplatin 30 mg/m2 weekly for six cycles, with an after-loading therapy of 6 Gy/6 each time. Results: In the IMRT group, the grade III diarrhea rate was 5.6% and the rate in the 3D CRT group was 30.6%; both groups significantly differed. No significant difference was observed between the overall survival and disease-free survival in first, second, and third years in both groups. Conclusion: Cervical cancer IMRT can significantly reduce the incidence of acute enteritis. For standard 3D CRT, no significant difference was observed in overall survival and disease-free survival.
Cervical cancer; Three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy; Intensity-modulated radiotherapy; Efficacy.
C. Yu,W. Zhu,Y. Ji,J. Guo,P. Pan,J. Han,X. Zhou. A comparative study of intensity-modulated radiotherapy and standard radiation field with concurrent chemotherapy for local advanced cervical cancer. European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology. 2015. 36(3);278-282.
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