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Special Issue
Retrospective analysis of the survival benefit of chemotherapy for recurrent or advanced epithelial ovarian carcinoma in patients previously treated with paclitaxel plus platinum-based chemotherapy
1Kaizuka City Hospital, Kaizuka city, Osaka, Japan
2Sakai City Medical Support Center for Severely Handicapped Children & Persons, Sakai city, Osaka, Japan
*Corresponding Author(s): H. Hashimoto E-mail: jolly@pc4.so-net.ne.jp
Aim: The outcomes of treatment for women with recurrent or advanced epithelial ovarian carcinoma previously treated with paclitaxel plus platinum-based chemotherapy were analyzed. Materials and Methods: Retrospective analysis was performed in a total of 65 series of treatments provided for 35 patients with a history of paclitaxel plus platinum-based chemotherapy. The chemotherapy regimens used were classified into the following four types for analysis: conventional paclitaxel plus carboplatin therapy (TC arm), pegylated liposomal doxorubicin-containing regimens (PLD arm), CPT-11-containing regimens (CPT-11 arm), and others. Disease-control rates (DCRs) were compared and subjected to univariate analysis. Progression-free survival (PFS) was determined from the date of the first cycle of each chemotherapy with the Kaplan-Meier method, and comparisons were performed using the log-rank test. Results: DCR was 80%, 71%, and 26% for the TC, PLD, and CPT-11 arms, respectively. The median PFS was 286, 372, and 76 days for the TC, PLD, and CPT-11 arms, respectively. There was no discernible difference in PFS between the TC and the PLD arm. In contrast, PFS of the CPT- 11 arm was significantly shorter than that of the TC and PLD arms. In addition, three of seven (42.9%) treatments in the PLD arm maintained a progression-free period for longer than one year, while only one of 25 (4%) treatments in the TC arm maintained a progression- free period for more than one year. Conclusions: The PFS of PLD is similar to that of TC. PLD-containing regimens might have a potential benefit with a higher PFS over one year than the TC regimen.
CPT-11; Disease control rates; Ovarian carcinoma; Pegylated liposomal doxorubicin; Progression-free survival.
A. Nishikawa,H. Hashimoto,M. Takeda,K. Kontani,T. Miyatake,M. Mimura,M. Nagamatsu,T. Yokoi. Retrospective analysis of the survival benefit of chemotherapy for recurrent or advanced epithelial ovarian carcinoma in patients previously treated with paclitaxel plus platinum-based chemotherapy. European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology. 2016. 37(4);451-454.
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