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Analysis of the risk factors for the recurrence of cervical cancer following ovarian transposition

  • C. Zhao1
  • J. L. Wang1
  • J. Wang1
  • L. J. Zhao1
  • L. H. Wei1,*,

1Department Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Peking University, People’s Hospital, Beijing (R. China)

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo340203 Vol.34,Issue 2,March 2013 pp.124-127

Published: 24 March 2013

*Corresponding Author(s): L. H. Wei E-mail:


Purpose: To investigate the potential risk factors related to the recurrence of cervical cancer following ovarian transposition. Materials and Methods: A total of 105 patients with cervical carcinoma were retrospectively analyzed. Each patient underwent surgical therapy in combination with ovarian transposition from September 2000 to November 2009. The potential risk factors for recurrence following ovarian transposition were analyzed. Results: The average age of the 105 patients was 38.7 years. Twelve patients were in Stage IA, 65 in IB, 12 in Stage IIA, and 16 in Stage IIB. Twenty-five patients had well-differentiated cancer (G1). Fortyeight patients had moderately-differentiated cancer (G2), and 32 patients had poorly-differentiated cancer (G3). Ninety-seven cases were squamous cell carcinoma, three were adenocarcinoma, four were small cell carcinoma, and one case was adenosquamous carcinoma. Five patients (4.8%) had a recurrence, two of whom (1.9%) had ovarian metastasis. Univariate analysis showed that the pathological type (p = 0.005) and degree of differentiation (p = 0.001) were potential risk factors for recurrence of cervical carcinoma following ovarian transposition. Cancer embolus in vessels or lymphatic metastasis was observed in four of the five patients who suffered a recurrence. Conclusion: Pathological type, differentiated degree, and cancer embolus in vessels or lymphatic metastasis were identified as potential risk factors for the recurrence of cervical carcinoma after ovarian transposition.


Cervical carcinoma; Ovarian transposition; Recurrence.

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C. Zhao,J. L. Wang,J. Wang,L. J. Zhao,L. H. Wei. Analysis of the risk factors for the recurrence of cervical cancer following ovarian transposition. European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology. 2013. 34(2);124-127.


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