Article Type
Special Issue
Uterine angioleiomyoma with extra-gonadal arterial supply from the splenic artery - case report and literature review
1Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Medical University of Warsaw, Warsaw (Poland)
*Corresponding Author(s): M. Gajewska E-mail: ma.gajewska@gmail.com
Angioleiomyoma (AL) is a benign tumor, composed of smooth muscle cells and thick-walled vessels. It occurs very rarely in female genital tract. The following is a case report of 45-year-old woman diagnosed with AL of the uterine with aberrant arterial supply from extra-gonadal vessels. Preoperative computed tomography examination revealed a large 30-cm tumor of the uterine, which was supplied by branches from the splenic artery. The woman was treated radically with hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy. A review of the literature of AL diagnosed in the female genital tract was done.
Angioleiomyoma (AL); Benign tumor; Aberrant arterial supply from extra-gonadal vessels.
S. Piątek,A. Fleming,M. Gajewska,M. Wielgoś. Uterine angioleiomyoma with extra-gonadal arterial supply from the splenic artery - case report and literature review. European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology. 2019. 40(3);471-473.
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