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Robotic-assisted colorectal procedures in a gynecologic oncology setting

  • G.A. Feuer1,*,
  • C.S. Abied2
  • M.A. Glasgow1
  • S.S. Salmieri1
  • N.A. Lakhi2

1Atlanta Gynecologic Oncology, Northside Hospital, Atlanta, GA

2Richmond University Medical Center, Staten Island, New York and New York Medical College, Valhalla, NY (USA)

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo4674.2018 Vol.39,Issue 5,October 2018 pp.718-723

Published: 10 October 2018

*Corresponding Author(s): G.A. Feuer E-mail:


Purpose: Despite potential benefits, gynecologic oncology has not fully embraced use of the robot for concomitant colorectal procedures. The authors describe the robotic technique and outcomes of colorectal surgeries from an experienced gynecologic oncologist’s practice. Materials and Methods: A review of robotic-assisted gynecologic surgeries between 2011 and 2016 was undertaken to identify patients with colorectal procedures and findings. Results: Sixteen patients had robotic-assisted colorectal procedures, including end-sigmoid colostomy (n=8), colon resection with anastomosis (n=5), low anterior resection with end-to-end anastomosis (n=3), and cecectomy (n=1). Median operative time was 130 minutes, blood loss 50 ml, and length-of-stay three days. There were no intra-operative complications or conversions. One postoperative ileus resolved with supportive care and one intermittent partial bowel obstruction not requiring hospitalization occurred. Conclusions: Robotic-assisted colorectal procedures by a gynecologic oncologist can be done safely and in reasonable operative time. Gynecologic oncology calls for overlapping training in multiple domains with a minimally invasive approach.


Robotic surgery; Gynecologic oncology; Colorectal surgery; Minimally invasive surgery; Surgical technique.

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G.A. Feuer,C.S. Abied,M.A. Glasgow,S.S. Salmieri,N.A. Lakhi. Robotic-assisted colorectal procedures in a gynecologic oncology setting. European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology. 2018. 39(5);718-723.


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