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Case Reports

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Clear cell carcinoma arising from abdominal wall endometriosis with lymph node metastasis – a rare case report and review of the literature

  • S. Kim1
  • K. J. Min1
  • S. Lee1
  • J. H. Hong1
  • J. K. Lee1
  • N. W. Lee1
  • J. Y. Song1,*,

1Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Korea University Medical Center, Seoul (Republic of Korea)

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo4767.2019 Vol.40,Issue 6,December 2019 pp.1047-1050

Published: 10 December 2019

*Corresponding Author(s): J. Y. Song E-mail:


Abdominal wall endometriosis represents 1-2% of all endometriotic lesions. The malignant transformation of abdominal wall en-dometriosis is rare, though it can occur. Herein the authors report a rare case of clear cell adenocarcinoma arising from abdominal wall endometriosis with extensive lymph node metastasis. In this case, a 51-year-old woman presented with a growing mass in the right periumbilical area. Computed tomography scan revealed a 5-cm solid mass located on the right rectus muscle. A punch biopsy of the abdominal lesion was performed and histology showed metastatic adenocarcinoma of unknown origin. She had a surgical history of la-paroscopic subtotal hysterectomy with right salpingo-oophorectomy. The patient underwent radical excision of the mass, trachelectomy, left salpingo-oophorectomy, and lymph node dissection. The abdominal wall mass showed clear cell adenocarcinoma arising from en-dometriosis on histology. There were extensive lymph node metastases. The patient underwent adjuvant chemotherapy. Both lymphatic and local invasion are key routes of clear cell adenocarcinoma arising from abdominal wall endometriosis. Extensive lymph node metas-tasis could be associated with poor prognosis.


Clear cell carcinoma; Endometriosis; Lymph node; Metastasis.

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S. Kim,K. J. Min,S. Lee,J. H. Hong,J. K. Lee,N. W. Lee,J. Y. Song. Clear cell carcinoma arising from abdominal wall endometriosis with lymph node metastasis – a rare case report and review of the literature. European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology. 2019. 40(6);1047-1050.


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