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Seminar of Gynecological Oncology of the International Conference on Psychiatry and Neurorestoratology (ICPN2022)

  • Organizing Committee of ICPN 20221,*,

1The International Conference on Psychiatry and Neurorestoratology (ICPN2022), China

DOI: 10.22514/ejgo.2022.050 Vol.43,Issue 5,October 2022 pp.112-123

Submitted: 30 September 2022 Accepted: 11 October 2022

Published: 15 October 2022

*Corresponding Author(s): Organizing Committee of ICPN 2022 E-mail:


The International Conference on Psychiatry and Neurorestoratology (ICPN2022) will be held in Zhengzhou in November, 2022 with the theme of psychiatry and global mental health under the current global context.

On the ICPN 2022, a seminar on gynecological oncology was held and panel reports were shared.

In recent years, the treatment of gynecological tumors has produced inspiring progress.

On the one hand, medical technology has seen tremendous advances, and medical imaging, treatment methods, and surgical plans have undergone new changes. On the other hand, the barriers of different medicine segments are breaking down. Multi-level synergistic treatment has become a popular trend. In addition, traditional Chinese medicine therapy also provides a supplement for the diagnosis and treatment of gynecological tumors.

The discussions of the seminar focused on some controversial issues of gynecological malignant tumor surgery, process management of breast cancer, imaging diagnosis of gynecological tumors, precise diagnosis and treatment of gynecological tumors, infection and nursing of gynecological malignant tumors, and in particular the traditional Chinese medicine.

These research and academic exchanges, from a multi-perspective and multidisciplinary aspect, enable researchers and clinicians to better address concerns of gynecological oncology patients. Through this conference, we look forward to receiving more discussions and solutions on the whole management model of gynecological tumor prevention and treatment from multiple perspectives, thus to promote the vigorous development of gynecological oncology.

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Organizing Committee of ICPN 2022. Seminar of Gynecological Oncology of the International Conference on Psychiatry and Neurorestoratology (ICPN2022). European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology. 2022. 43(5);112-123.


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