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Three serum miRNAs as potential biomarkers for early diagnosis of cervical cancer

  • Xiujuan Li1,2,†
  • Xu Zhang2,†
  • Minjie Zhang3
  • Xiaojuan Luan4
  • Diangeng Li5
  • Meiling Jin6
  • Xinyu Wen2
  • Jingzhu Nan2,*,

1Department of Clinical Laboratory, Beijing Friendship Hospital Affiliated to Capital Medical University, 100050 Beijing, China

2Department of Clinical Laboratory, the 1st Medical Centre, Chinese PLA General Hospital, 100853 Beijing, China

3Medical Innovation Research Division of Chinese PLA General Hospital, 100853 Beijing, China

4Department of Clinical Laboratory, Qingdao Third People’s Hospital, 266041 Qingdao, Shandong, China

5Department of Scientific Research, Beijing Chaoyang Hospital Affiliated to Capital Medical University, 100020 Beijing, China

6Department of Nephrology, Beijing Chaoyang Hospital Affiliated to Capital Medical University, 100020 Beijing, China

DOI: 10.22514/ejgo.2024.070 Vol.45,Issue 4,August 2024 pp.71-82

Submitted: 18 October 2022 Accepted: 08 December 2022

Published: 15 August 2024

*Corresponding Author(s): Jingzhu Nan E-mail:

† These authors contributed equally.


This study aimed to analyze the changes associated with serum miRNAs in patients with cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) and cervical cancer in predicting early-stage cervical cancer. A total of 229 serum samples were collected to extract miRNAs. The expression level of miR-146b-5p, miR-192-5p and miR-122-5p were determined via qRT-PCR (Quantitative Real-time PCR), and their relative expressions were calculated using the equation: 2−∆∆Ct. We observed significantly higher expression levels of serum miR-146b-5p, miR-192-5p and miR-122-5p in the cervical diseases (CIN and cervical cancer) compared with controls. The expression levels of serum miR-146b-5p, miR-192-5p and miR-122-5p in cervical cancer were significantly higher than in controls. The relative expressions of serum miR-146b-5p and miR-192-5p in CIN were significantly higher than controls. However, there was no difference in three miRNAs between CIN and cervical cancer. The relative expressions of serum miR-146b-5p in patients classified as FIGO (International Federation of Gynaecology and Obstetrics) stage I were significantly higher than in controls and CIN. The AUC (area under the ROC curve) of the three miRNAs combined with SCC (squamous cell carcinoma antigen) in diagnosing cervical cancer was 0.840, and the sensitivity and specificity were 0.632 and 0.957, respectively. Serum miR-146b-5p, miR-192-5p and miR-122-5p showed promising efficacy as noninvasive biomarkers to accurately diagnose cervical cancer and demonstrated certain early diagnostic values, especially miR-146b-5p and miR-192-5p. The combined use of the three serum miRNAs with SCC could further improve the diagnostic efficiency for cervical cancer.


Cervical cancer; Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia; miR-146b-5p; miR-192-5p; miR-122-5p

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Xiujuan Li,Xu Zhang,Minjie Zhang,Xiaojuan Luan,Diangeng Li,Meiling Jin,Xinyu Wen,Jingzhu Nan. Three serum miRNAs as potential biomarkers for early diagnosis of cervical cancer. European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology. 2024. 45(4);71-82.


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