Article Type
Special Issue
Robotic-assisted minimal access surgery for large ovarian mass in pregnancy: case report of two patients
1Department of Gynae Oncology and Robotic Surgery, Fortis Memorial Research Institute (FMRI), 122002 Gurugram, India
DOI: 10.22514/ejgo.2024.086 Vol.45,Issue 4,August 2024 pp.191-196
Submitted: 03 January 2024 Accepted: 01 February 2024
Published: 15 August 2024
*Corresponding Author(s): Rama Joshi E-mail: drramajoshifortis@gmail.com
Most adnexal masses that are seen during the first trimester are small cysts that resolve on their own by the second trimester. Surgical management may be necessary for individuals who are symptomatic or at high risk of malignancy or torsion. Here we present two cases that underwent robotic-assisted minimal access surgery for large ovarian masses in pregnancy. The robot-assisted approach was utilized to successfully manage both patients and histology confirmed these as benign tumors. The blood loss was minimal and there were no postoperative surgical or obstetrical complications. The fetus in the first case was not resuscitated due to premature membrane rupture at 24 weeks followed by preterm labor. The second patient delivered a healthy full-term baby weighing 3.2 kg at 39 weeks. Robotic-assisted minimally invasive surgery is a safe and reliable option for obstetric patients with an ovarian mass.
Robotic-assisted surgery; Minimal access surgery; Ovarian mass in pregnancy; Adnexal masses
Rama Joshi,Rashmi Rekha Bora,Tarini Sonwani. Robotic-assisted minimal access surgery for large ovarian mass in pregnancy: case report of two patients. European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology. 2024. 45(4);191-196.
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