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Inhibition of PRPF19 impairs oncogenesis, radioresistance and DNA damage repair in cervical cancer

  • Qianqian Wang1,*,†,
  • Jinwei Zhang1,†
  • Yue Zhang1,*,

1Department of Gynecology, The Affiliated Wuxi People’s Hospital of Nanjing Medical University, 214023 Wuxi, Jiangsu, China

DOI: 10.22514/ejgo.2025.014 Vol.46,Issue 1,January 2025 pp.150-156

Submitted: 26 August 2024 Accepted: 19 November 2024

Published: 15 January 2025

*Corresponding Author(s): Qianqian Wang E-mail:
*Corresponding Author(s): Yue Zhang E-mail:

† These authors contributed equally.


Background: Cervical cancer (CC) is one prevalent and lethal gynecological malignancy. Pre-mRNA-processing factor 19 (PRPF19) has been implicated in the progression of multiple cancers and shown to play a role in modulating the DNA damage response. However, the specific regulatory effects of PRPF19 and its associated pathways in the development of CC remain poorly understood. Methods: The protein expressions were inspected through western blot. The survival fraction and the number of colonies were examined through colony formation assay. The fluorescence intensity of gamma-histone H2A family member X (γH2AX) was verified through Immunofluorescence (IF) assay. The cell invasion and migration were tested through Transwell assay. Results: In this study, data from the Gene Expression Profiling Interactive Analysis (GEPIA) and User-friendly Analysis Tool for Cancer Gene Expression Data (UALCAN) online databases were analyzed, and the findings revealed significant overexpression of PRPF19 in cervical squamous cell carcinoma (CESC) tissues. Additionally, we confirmed elevated PRPF19 expression in CC, with the inhibition of PRPF19 increasing the sensitivity of CC cells to X-ray treatment. Furthermore, PRPF19 knockdown enhanced DNA damage following X-ray exposure, as evidenced by increased γH2AX fluorescence intensity and reduced levels of p-DNA-protein kinase (PK) and Rad51 recombinase (Rad51). PRPF19 suppression also inhibited cell migration and invasion. Mechanistically, PRPF19 promoted activation of the Sarcoma (Src)-Yes-associated protein 1 (YAP1) pathway by downregulating p-Src/Src and YAP1 levels. Conclusions: PRPF19 inhibition impairs oncogenesis, reduces radioresistance and disrupts DNA damage repair in CC, partly through modulation of the Src-YAP1 pathway, thereby supporting PRPF19 as one prospective bio-target for CC treatment.


PRPF19; Radioresistance; DNA damage; Cervical cancer; Src-YAP1 pathway

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Qianqian Wang,Jinwei Zhang,Yue Zhang. Inhibition of PRPF19 impairs oncogenesis, radioresistance and DNA damage repair in cervical cancer. European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology. 2025. 46(1);150-156.


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