Article Type
Special Issue
Approach of gynecological cancers at Jordan University Hospital: facts and figures
1Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Jordan University Hospital
2School of medicine, the University of Jordan, Amman (Jordan)
*Corresponding Author(s): K.M. Fram E-mail: kamilfram@gmail.com
Objectives: The aim of this study was to determine the pattern of gynaecological malignancies treated at the Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics at Jordan University Hospital (JUH), with a retrospective study. Materials and Methods: All patients diagnosed to have primary gynecologic cancer treated surgically in the period between June 2013 and June 2017 at JUH were included. Type of malignancy, age distribution, incidence of cancer, and stage of the disease were assessed. Results: In total, 115 cases of gynecological cancers were managed during the study period. Overall, the mean age for cancer patients was 58.56 years. Uterine cancer was the most common as 50 cases, constituting approximately 43.38% of gynecological cancers, followed by ovarian cancer 38 cases. The mean age for endometrial carcinoma was 57.17 years, for ovarian carcinoma 56.11 years, and for cervical carcinoma 62.22 years. Most patients with endometrial carcinoma presented with Stage I, ovarian carcinoma presented with an advanced disease; cervical carcinoma, most of the cases presented with Stage I disease. Conclusion: Endometrial and ovarian malignancies are the most frequent malignancies encountered in Jordan. Cancer remains an important public health problem in Jordan and the need is evident to make a concerted attack on this health assassin. Estimation and projection of the cancer burden is clearly an essential step in planning an allocation of resources.
Gynecological malignancies; Distribution patterns; Frequency
K.M. Fram,A.S. Albasha,F.K. Fram,R.K. Fram,S. Bishara,L.I. Abdillat. Approach of gynecological cancers at Jordan University Hospital: facts and figures. European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology. 2020. 41(1);89-92.
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