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Glassy cell carcinoma: is surgical treatment with preservation of the uterus a therapeutic option

  • N. Habib1,*,
  • T. Dennis2
  • G. Centini3
  • L. Bresson2
  • F. Narducci2
  • E. Leblanc2

1Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Beaujon University Hospital, Clichy

2Department of Gynecological Oncology, Oscar Lambert Center, Lille (France)

3Department of Molecular and Developmental Medicine, University of Siena, Siena (Italy)

DOI: 10.31083/j.ejgo.2020.01.5072 Vol.41,Issue 1,February 2020 pp.121-125

Published: 15 February 2020

*Corresponding Author(s): N. Habib E-mail:


Glassy cell carcinoma (GCC) is a rare and aggressive type of adenoSquamous cervical carcinoma. It affects patients at a younger age compared to the general population of patients with cervical cancer. The five-year survival is inferior to that of the other histological types. The treatment is not standardized. Radiation therapy with concomitant chemotherapy is associated with a better local control and improves oncological results. The authors report here the clinical histories of two patients with an early GCC and a desire of fertility preservation treated with radical trachelectomy with an early recurrence. They conclude that considering the rarity and aggressivity of this histological type, and the lack of evidence in the literature for its management, it would be prudent to consider GCC at an early stage as a contraindication for a radical trachelectomy.


Glassy cell carcinoma; Trachelectomy; Cervical cancer; Fertility preservation.

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N. Habib,T. Dennis,G. Centini,L. Bresson, F. Narducci, E. Leblanc. Glassy cell carcinoma: is surgical treatment with preservation of the uterus a therapeutic option. European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology. 2020. 41(1);121-125.


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