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Coexistence of endocervical cancer and Brenner tumor of the ovary. Diagnostic difficulties

  • M. Szarszewska1,*,
  • J. Markowska1
  • A. Czekała2
  • P. Kurzawa3

1Department of Oncology, Gynecological Oncology, Poznan (Poland)

2Department of Clinical Pathomorphology, Poznan (Poland)

3Pathology Department,Poznan University of Medical Sciences, Poznan (Poland)

DOI: 10.31083/j.ejgo.2020.02.5184 Vol.41,Issue 2,April 2020 pp.299-302

Published: 15 April 2020

*Corresponding Author(s): M. Szarszewska E-mail:


Ultrasound sonography (USG) imaging in a post-menopausal woman with uterine bleeding revealed an endometrial polyp. Two diagnostic tests: curettage of the canal and the endometrium and hysteroscopy failed and resulted in perforation of the cervical canal. Uterine excision with adnexa was performed. Histopathological examination, in addition to the polyp as revealed by USG, showed adenocarcinoma in the cervical uterine canal [adenocarcinoma in situ (AIS)], which could have been the reason why it was not possible to collect material from the uterus. Surprisingly, a small Brenner tumor was also found in the ovary. In cases where diagnostic material from the canal and endometrium in post-menopausal women cannot be obtained, excision of the uterus with adnexa seems to be the best diagnostic and therapeutic course of action.


Hysteroscopy; Adenocarcinoma canalis cervix uteri; Brenner tumour of the ovary.

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M. Szarszewska,J. Markowska,A. Czekała,P. Kurzawa. Coexistence of endocervical cancer and Brenner tumor of the ovary. Diagnostic difficulties. European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology. 2020. 41(2);299-302.


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