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Incidence trends of germ cell-gonadal tumors among the pediatric population in Turkey and its importance through the eye of gynecologist

  • Irem Alyazici Kucukyildiz1,*,
  • Murat Gultekin2

1Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Sivas Cumhuriyet University School of Medicine, 58140 Sivas, Turkey

2Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Hacettepe University School of Medicine, 06230 Ankara, Turkey

DOI: 10.31083/j.ejgo.2021.01.2226 Vol.42,Issue 1,February 2021 pp.81-84

Submitted: 23 August 2020 Accepted: 12 October 2020

Published: 15 February 2021

*Corresponding Author(s): Irem Alyazici Kucukyildiz E-mail:


Objective: Childhood cancers constitute a major part of childhood diseases and are an important cause of mortality. Germ cell and gonadal tumors are among the top ten cancers in both boys and girls during childhood. Furthermore, the most common locations of germ cell tumors in the female population under the age of 20 are the ovaries. And germ cell tumors are the most common type of ovarian cancer, in these population. The purpose of this study was to explore the incidence trends of chilldhood germ cell and gonadal tumors in Turkey and to compare them with those worldwide. And also emphasizes the importance of the approach to the treatment of this cancer in girls. Methods: This study is based on data from the Turkish National Cancer Statistics Reports and the International Incidence of 10 Childhood Cancer (IICC) collaborative Project. Results: The age specific incidence rates (ASR) of germ cell tumors is 5 per million in Turkey and 4,9 per million across the world. The percentage of germ cell tumors among all childhood cancers in Turkey is 2%-4% in boys and 3,2%-5% in girls. Conclusion: Although germ cell and gonadal tumors are among the top ten cancers observed in childhood, their incidence is low. The survival rates of these cancers are very high if they are diagnosed early and accurately. Thus, knowledge about the trends of these cancers will increase the awareness and success in the diagnosis and treatment of germ cell and gonadal tumors.


Germ cell-gonadal tumors; Girls; Childhood; Turkey

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Irem Alyazici Kucukyildiz,Murat Gultekin. Incidence trends of germ cell-gonadal tumors among the pediatric population in Turkey and its importance through the eye of gynecologist. European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology. 2021. 42(1);81-84.


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