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Open Access Special Issue

Study of laparoscopic monopolar devices and its thermal effects

  • Motoki Matsuura1,*,
  • Masato Tamate1
  • Sachiko Nagao1
  • Muna Nishio1
  • Tadahi Okada1
  • Yoko Nishimura1
  • Kyoko Isoyama1
  • Noriko Terada1
  • Tsuyoshi Saito1

1Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Sapporo Medical University, 0608543 Sapporo, Japan

DOI: 10.31083/j.ejgo.2021.01.2311 Vol.42,Issue 1,February 2021 pp.118-121

Submitted: 12 November 2020 Accepted: 30 December 2020

Published: 15 February 2021

(This article belongs to the Special Issue Minimally Invasive Surgery in Gynecologic Oncology)

*Corresponding Author(s): Motoki Matsuura E-mail:


Objective: Energy devices are frequently used in minimally invasive surgeries (MIS). For MIS involving gynecologic malignancies, energy devices should be used cautiously to prevent thermal injuries to nearby organs. We evaluated monopolar electrosurgery devices and measured increases in temperature in the tissue and device. Methods: Briefly, the surface of a porcine tissue was incised using short and long activation times. Subsequently, the maximum temperature at the tip of the monopolar device, the cooling time required to reach a temperature of 60 C, and the maximum tissue temperature were recorded. Results: Longer activation time was correlated with a higher tip temperature. With all activation times, there was an increase in the tip temperature that exceeded 100 C. The cooling time to reach 60 C was faster with the short activation times than with the long activation times. Even with the same output, the temperature decreased faster in the coagulation mode, suggesting that the cooling times were shorter with lower outputs. The tissue temperature dropped to 60 C or less within 1 s in the cut mode but required approximately 2 s in the coagulation mode at 40 W. The temperature of the dissected tissue increased to 60 C or higher; the cooling time was longer with high output and in the coagulation mode. Conclusions: We revealed that the activation of the monopolar device under routine use conditions exceeded a temperature of 100 C. Additionally, the temperatures of the tip and tissue were significantly higher in proportion to the output and time. For MIS involving gynecologic malignancies, careful attention is necessary to avoid thermal injury.


Minimally invasive surgery; Monopolar device; Thermal injury

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Motoki Matsuura,Masato Tamate,Sachiko Nagao,Muna Nishio,Tadahi Okada,Yoko Nishimura,Kyoko Isoyama,Noriko Terada,Tsuyoshi Saito. Study of laparoscopic monopolar devices and its thermal effects. European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology. 2021. 42(1);118-121.


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