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Open Access Special Issue

Role of sentinel lymph node in endometrial cancer: rationale and surgical aspects, a review of the literature

  • Giuseppe Marino1,*,
  • Tommaso Grassi1
  • Giampaolo Di Martino1
  • Gaetano Trezzi1
  • Marco Adorni1
  • Luca Bazzurini1
  • Fabio Landoni1

1Clinic of Obstetrics and Gynecology, San Gerardo Hospital, University of Milan-Bicocca, 20126 Monza, Italy

DOI: 10.31083/j.ejgo4301014 Vol.43,Issue 1,February 2022 pp.106-114

Submitted: 01 November 2021 Accepted: 24 November 2021

Published: 15 February 2022

(This article belongs to the Special Issue Endometrial Cancer)

*Corresponding Author(s): Giuseppe Marino E-mail:


Endometrial carcinoma is the most common gynecological cancer in Europe, with 130,000 new cases per year, and the incidence has been rising with aging and increased obesity of the population. Most women with endometrial cancer will present with early-stage disease, with a tumor confined to the uterus and without metastasis, and the first approach is surgery. Approximately 10% to 15% of these patients have a metastatic nodal disease, which is why guidelines have always emphasized the importance of lymphadenectomy to stratify the risk and tailor adjuvant treatment. However, comprehensive lymphadenectomy is related to significant morbidity and seems not to improve either progression-free or overall survival in these patients. Lymphatic mapping with sentinel lymph node biopsy has emerged as an alternative and an optimal compromise instead of systematic lymphadenectomy. This review presents the current evidence supporting sentinel lymph node biopsy in patients with endometrial cancer.


Endometrial cancer; Lymph nodes; Sentinel lymph node; SLN mapping

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Giuseppe Marino,Tommaso Grassi,Giampaolo Di Martino,Gaetano Trezzi,Marco Adorni,Luca Bazzurini,Fabio Landoni. Role of sentinel lymph node in endometrial cancer: rationale and surgical aspects, a review of the literature. European Journal of Gynaecological Oncology. 2022. 43(1);106-114.


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