Vol.21,Issue 2,March 2000


Open Access

The problems of surgical training in Gynaecologic Oncology

C. W. Burger,C. de Oliveira,S. T. Kehoe

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo200002109

Abstract ( 228 ) PDF (573.71 kB) ( 126 )

Original Research

Open Access

Descriptive epidemiology of endometrial hyperplasia in patients with abnormal uterine bleeding

P. G. Anastasiadis,P. G. Skaphida,N. G. Koutlaki,G. C. Galazios,P. N. Tsikouras,V. A. Liberis

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo200002131

Abstract ( 190 ) PDF (468.75 kB) ( 118 )

Open Access

Apoptosis and apoptosis-related proteins (Fas, Fas ligand, bcl-2, p53) in macrophages of human ovarian epithelial tumors

H. Ben-Hur,P. Gurevich,A. Ben-Arie,M. Huszar,V. Berman,Y. Tendler,R. Tchanishev,G. Mor,S. Gershon, I. Zusman

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo200002141

Abstract ( 181 ) PDF (3.16 MB) ( 100 )

Open Access

Squamous intraepithelial lesions (SILs) and HPV associated changes in HIV infected women or at risk of HIV

M. Branca,G. Migliore,M. Giuliani,L. Leoncini,G. Ippolito,G. Cappiello,A. Schiesari,G. Rezza,DIANAIDS

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo200002155

Abstract ( 213 ) PDF (2.2 MB) ( 141 )

Open Access

Factors influencing peridd of time between negative second-look laparotorny and ovarian carcinoma recurrence. Multicenter study in Poland

J. Markowska,J. Wilkoszarska,J. Emerich,J. Debniak,A. Popiela,M. Pariszczak,J. Kornafel,B. Rossochacka,Z. Fisher,M. Goluda,P. Malecki

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo200002164

Abstract ( 230 ) PDF (2.04 MB) ( 109 )

Open Access

Colposcopy, cytology and HPV-DNA testing in HIV-positive and HIV-negative women

A. Torrisi,A. Del Mistro,G. L. Onnis,F. Merlin,R. Bertorelle,D. Minucci

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo200002168

Abstract ( 213 ) PDF (2.38 MB) ( 148 )

Case Reports

Open Access

The great imitator: miliary peritoneal tuberculosis mimicking Stage III ovari ovanan carcinoma

J.P. Geisler,D. E. Crook,H. E. Geisler,T. J. Cudahay,J. Fraiz,C. P. Bunce,D. K. Moore,K. Kay

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo200002115

Abstract ( 229 ) PDF (1.57 MB) ( 140 )

Open Access

Megestrol-induced clinical adrenal insufficiency

A. Goodman,E. Cagliero

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo200002117

Abstract ( 209 ) PDF (219.71 kB) ( 138 )

Open Access

Isolated para-aortic node involvement in stage IB/11 cervical carcinoma

P. Morice,J.C. Sabourin,P. Pautier,A. Gerbaulet,P. Duvillard,D. Castaigne

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo200002123

Abstract ( 212 ) PDF (311.41 kB) ( 100 )

Open Access

DNA polymorphism analysis of a pure non-gestational choriocarcinoma of the ovary: case report

T. Shigematsu,T. Kamura,T. Arima,N. Wake,H. Nakano

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo200002153

Abstract ( 199 ) PDF (223.13 kB) ( 137 )

Open Access

Heterologeous mullerian mixed tumor after whole body irradiation because of Hodgkin's disease in stage IV

R. Meyberg,C. Villena-Heinsen,R. Axt,W. Schmidt,M. Friedrich

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo200002160

Abstract ( 191 ) PDF (2.14 MB) ( 128 )

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