Vol.43,Issue 5,October 2022


Original Research

Open Access

Overall and cancer specific survival following radical or adjuvant (chemo)radiotherapy in a retrospective cohort of elderly patients with endometrial cancer

Kathryn Graham,Cicely Cunningham,Katherine Fair,Philip McLoone,Marina Chitoni,Rosie Harrand,Ashleigh Kerr,Nick Reed,Azmat Sadozye

DOI: 10.22514/ejgo.2022.039

Abstract ( 1526 ) PDF (2.62 MB) ( 218 )

Open Access

DNAJB5 (hsc40) gene as a novel biomarker for cervical cancer

Hu Yu,Ying Chen,Guoxin Zhang,Huijuan Wu,Ke Wang

DOI: 10.22514/ejgo.2022.023

Abstract ( 1445 ) PDF (1.6 MB) ( 218 )

Open Access

Estrogen receptor 1 and Aurora kinase A as potential diagnostic biomarkers for cervical cancer

Huaqiu Chen,Xingyou Chen,Xi Yuan,Yuanyuan Zhang,Guangming Wang

DOI: 10.22514/ejgo.2022.025

Abstract ( 1413 ) PDF (4.56 MB) ( 198 )

Case Reports

Open Access

Concurrent chemoradiotherapy and salvage chemotherapy for advanced cervical cancer with a pedunculated cervical leiomyoma: a case report

Fumitaka Ito,Hiroyuki Nomura,Masayuki Ito,Kazuya Takahashi,Takuma Fujii,Shinya Hayashi

DOI: 10.22514/ejgo.2022.047

Abstract ( 1538 ) PDF (7.21 MB) ( 192 )

Open Access Special Issue

Recurrence of low-grade serous ovarian cancer successfully treated with Gemcitabine and Bevacizumab: a case report and literature review

Hanako Sato,Yasushi Kotani,Chiho Miyagawa,Tamaki Yahata,Kosuke Murakami,Hidekatsu Nakai,Tomoyuki Otani,Noriomi Matsumura

DOI: 10.22514/ejgo.2022.049

(This article belongs to the Special Issue Gynecological Oncology Treatment: Recent Progress in Clinical Modalities)

Abstract ( 1941 ) PDF (1.44 MB) ( 227 )

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