Vol.45,Issue 1,February 2024

Original Research

Open Access

Epithelial IL-8 immunostaining associated with overall survival in ovarian cancer

Marilha B. M. Neves,Letícia M. M. C. Scofoni,Agrimaldo Martins-Filho,Millena P. Jammal,Renata M. Etchebehere,Eddie F. C. Murta,Rosekeila S. Nomelini

DOI: 10.22514/ejgo.2024.003

Abstract ( 1315 ) PDF (17.08 MB) ( 184 )

Open Access

Enhanced recovery after single-site robotic staging surgery of endometrial cancer

Sang Hyun Cho,Seong Eun Bak,Bo Ram Choi,Keun Ho Lee

DOI: 10.22514/ejgo.2024.005

Abstract ( 1355 ) PDF (2.76 MB) ( 152 )

Open Access

Comparison of biopsy results between two groups of cytology-negative HPV 16/18 and other types of high-risk HPV positive patients

Fatemeh Sadat Najib,Marzieh Hashemi,Seyed Mohammad Amin Alavi,Zahra Shiravani,Mojgan Akbarzadeh Jahromi,Seyedeh Marjan Hosseini

DOI: 10.22514/ejgo.2024.008

Abstract ( 1239 ) PDF (298.8 kB) ( 166 )

Open Access

The role of intraoperative consultation in the management of ovarian masses and endometrial carcinomas: a 7-year experience

Nurhan Sahin,Busra Cosanay Tekden,Ganime Coban,Gurkan Kiran,Dilek Sema Arici,Ozlem Toluk,Zuhal Gucin

DOI: 10.22514/ejgo.2024.011

Abstract ( 1353 ) PDF (311.15 kB) ( 156 )

Open Access

Comparison between robotic and laparoscopic surgery in women over 65 years old with gynecological malignancies

Myriam Gracia,Miguel Ángel Herraiz,Javier García-Santos,Mar Ramírez,Mónica Bellón,Pluvio Coronado

DOI: 10.22514/ejgo.2024.013

Abstract ( 1279 ) PDF (304.64 kB) ( 176 )

Open Access

Evaluation of colposcopy and LEEP results performed in gynecology and gynecological oncology surgery services

Fatih Şahin,Emine Aydın,Emine Ufuk Büyükkaya Öcal,Savaş Özdemir,Ali Murat Kasapoğlu,Özgür Akbayır

DOI: 10.22514/ejgo.2023.071

Abstract ( 2231 ) PDF (8.21 MB) ( 235 )

Case Reports

Open Access

Renal calyceal rupture with extensive urinoma formation as a complication of cervical cancer

Sehrish Sardar,Ashley Hickman,Andrea E. Wahner Hendrickson

DOI: 10.22514/ejgo.2024.019

Abstract ( 1407 ) PDF (11.18 MB) ( 154 )

Short Communications

Open Access

Evaluation of AI-assisted colposcopy for detecting high-risk subtypes of human papillomavirus in CIN2

Takayuki Takahashi,Hikaru Matsuoka,Yusuke Kobayashi,Takashi Iwata,Kouji Banno,Wataru Yamagami,Gen Tamiya

DOI: 10.22514/ejgo.2024.020

Abstract ( 1672 ) PDF (936.98 kB) ( 211 )

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