Vol.42,Issue 3,June 2021


Open Access Special Issue

BRCA-guided therapy of ovarian cancer

Panagiota Economopoulou,Ioannis Kotsantis,Aristotelis Bamias

DOI: 10.31083/j.ejgo.2021.03.2210

(This article belongs to the Special Issue BRCA and Ovarian Cancer)

Abstract ( 1018 ) PDF (151.36 kB) ( 133 )

Open Access Special Issue

Prophylactic mastectomy and ovariectomy—a religious perspective

Bartosz Kasprzak,Przemysław Zgórecki

DOI: 10.31083/j.ejgo.2021.03.2253

(This article belongs to the Special Issue BRCA and Ovarian Cancer)

Abstract ( 1436 ) PDF (106.01 kB) ( 185 )

Open Access

Factors influencing cosmetic outcome of breast-conserving treatment in breast cancer: a narrative review

Angelique Brands-Appeldoorn,Sabrina Maaskant-Braat,Loes Janssen,Vivianne Tjan-Heijnen,Rudi Roumen

DOI: 10.31083/j.ejgo.2021.03.2285

Abstract ( 1005 ) PDF (321.24 kB) ( 141 )

Open Access

Synchronous endometrial and ovarian carcinoma (SEOC): case series and literature review

Shahzarul Fazril Lin,Zainab Yahaya,Nuraini Ramli,Habibah Abdul Hamid

DOI: 10.31083/j.ejgo.2021.03.2308

Abstract ( 1064 ) PDF (775.11 kB) ( 162 )

Open Access Special Issue

Oral contraception use in BRCA gene mutation carriers: information for counselling in routine clinical practice

Chiara Cassani,Francesca Zanellini,Cristina Angela Camnasio,Diana Pettinato,Simona Secondino,Angelica Della Valle,Mario Urtis,Eloisa Arbustini,Silvia Martella,Arsenio Spinillo,Rossella Elena Nappi

DOI: 10.31083/j.ejgo.2021.03.2281

(This article belongs to the Special Issue BRCA and Ovarian Cancer)

Abstract ( 1363 ) PDF (142.09 kB) ( 191 )

Original Research

Open Access

Clinicopathological features and prognostic factors for survival and lymph node metastases in stage IB adenocarcinoma of the cervix

Dongchen Wu,Lihua Zhang,Yinan Wu,Yingchun Wang,Nitish Beharee,Jinhua Wang,Ping Wang

DOI: 10.31083/j.ejgo.2021.03.2300

Abstract ( 1109 ) PDF (124.99 kB) ( 157 )

Open Access

Clinical characteristics and prognostic outcomes of gynaecological multiple primary malignant neoplasms

Ying Sun,Yi Jiang,Juveria Rahman,Xing Chen,Xiong Yuan,Jinhui Liu,Huihua Dai,Wenjun Cheng

DOI: 10.31083/j.ejgo.2021.03.2343

Abstract ( 874 ) PDF (1.35 MB) ( 136 )

Open Access

In vitro study on the effect of double freezing on ovarian tissue preservation in cancer women

Maria Macciocca,Raffaella Fabbri,Roberto Paradisi,Lucia De Meis,Giacomo Caprara,Rossella Vicenti,Renato Seracchioli

DOI: 10.31083/j.ejgo.2021.03.2237

Abstract ( 828 ) PDF (1.18 MB) ( 126 )

Open Access Special Issue

An innovative tissue model for robot-assisted radical hysterectomy and pelvic lymphadenectomy

Kota Umemura,Yosuke Kawai,Hiroko Machida,Ryosuke Uekusa,Atsushi Kunishima,Mayumi Okada,Hisao Ando,Michiyasu Kawai

DOI: 10.31083/j.ejgo.2021.03.2295

(This article belongs to the Special Issue Minimally Invasive Surgery in Gynecologic Oncology)

Abstract ( 899 ) PDF (1.49 MB) ( 141 )

Open Access

Characterization of risk factors and timing of venous thromboembolism in patients with uterine carcinosarcoma

Rachel Borczuk,Gregory M. Gressel,Nicole Vilardo,Ken Y. Lin,Dennis Y. Kuo,Melissa Fazzari,Nicole S. Nevadunsky

DOI: 10.31083/j.ejgo.2021.03.2330

Abstract ( 835 ) PDF (149.68 kB) ( 127 )

Open Access Special Issue

Laparoscopic total vaginectomy for isolated vaginal recurrence of cervical cancer or high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion after hysterectomy: a retrospective, single-centre cohort study

Kota Okamoto,Yoichi Aoki,Eiji Kondo,Yusuke Shimizu,Ai Ikki,Yuji Tanaka,Atsushi Fusegi,Makoto Nakabayashi,Makiko Omi,Tomoko Kurita,Terumi Tanigawa,Sachiho Netsu,Mayu Yunokawa,Hidetaka Nomura,Maki Matoda,Sanshiro Okamoto,Kohei Omatsu,Tomoaki Ikeda,Hiroyuki Kanao

DOI: 10.31083/j.ejgo.2021.03.2335

(This article belongs to the Special Issue Minimally Invasive Surgery in Gynecologic Oncology)

Abstract ( 1291 ) PDF (1.33 MB) ( 153 )

Open Access Special Issue

Clinicopathological risk factors and survival analysis of ovarian cancer with synchronous endometrial cancer diagnosed after surgery

Mehmet Sait Bakır,Özer Birge,Ceyda Karadag,Selen Doğan,Hasan Aykut Tuncer,Tayup Simsek

DOI: 10.31083/j.ejgo.2021.03.2336

(This article belongs to the Special Issue Surgery for Gynecological Cancer: Current Evidences and Perspectives)

Abstract ( 931 ) PDF (194.83 kB) ( 146 )

Open Access

Prediction of lymph node involvement in epithelial ovarian cancer by PET/CT, CT and MRI imaging

Nuriye Esra Uysal,Mehmet Sait Bakır,Özer Birge,Ceyda Karadag,Tayup Simsek

DOI: 10.31083/j.ejgo.2021.03.2340

Abstract ( 904 ) PDF (114.69 kB) ( 153 )

Open Access

Efficacy and safety of carboplatin plus paclitaxel in gynecological carcinosarcoma: a Brazilian retrospective study

Jessé L. da Silva,Lucas Z. de Albuquerque,Ana L. Gasparotto,Beatriz R. L.de Aguiar,Darlyane de S.B. Rodrigues,Ticiane C. Farias,Ticiane C. Farias,Andreia C. de Melo1

DOI: 10.31083/j.ejgo.2021.03.2355

Abstract ( 950 ) PDF (464.16 kB) ( 138 )

Open Access

Exploration on correlation of high DLX2 expression with poor prognosis and cellular proliferation in epithelial ovarian cancers

Meng-Hui Huang,Yun Han,Qing-Hua Xi,Yun-Feng Jin,Ying-Lei Liu,Yu-Wen Han,Hai-Li Kai,Qian Zhang,Yan-Li Zheng

DOI: 10.31083/j.ejgo.2021.03.2093

Abstract ( 933 ) PDF (5.28 MB) ( 153 )

Open Access

The prognostic significance of microsatellite status and its relationship with tumor-infiltrating lymphocyte in endometrial cancer

Sahin Lacin,Gozde Elif Tasar,Alp Usubutun,Zafer Arık,Deniz Yüce,Mehmet Çoşkun Salman,Ayşe Kars

DOI: 10.31083/j.ejgo.2021.03.2287

Abstract ( 932 ) PDF (1.14 MB) ( 157 )

Open Access

Isocorydine inhibits the proliferation of human endometrial carcinoma HEC-1B cells by downregulating the Ras/MEK/ERK signaling pathway

Yu Fu,Rui-Rui Jin,Yi-Lin Li,Hua Luan,Tao Huang,Yuan Zhao,Lin Yang,Fa-Hui Niu,Qing-Mei Sun,Qing Liu,Yong-Xiu Yang

DOI: 10.31083/j.ejgo.2021.03.5225

Abstract ( 929 ) PDF (6.48 MB) ( 151 )

Open Access

Clinical impact of sarcopenia in patients with uterine cervical cancer treated with radiotherapy

Jun Su Park,Heerim Nam,Hyebin Lee,Woo Young Kim

DOI: 10.31083/j.ejgo.2021.03.2356

Abstract ( 991 ) PDF (1.81 MB) ( 150 )

Open Access

Tumor proximity to serosal surface as an independent prognostic factor in FIGO stage 1 endometrial cancer

Laura M. Harbin,Laurel K. Berry,Amy E. Wahlquist,Joshua Richmond,Whitney S. Graybill,Matthew F. Kohler,William T. Creasman

DOI: 10.31083/j.ejgo.2021.03.2310

Abstract ( 966 ) PDF (1.24 MB) ( 117 )

Open Access

Recurrence of borderline ovarian tumors: clinical and pathological risk factors

Hacı Oztürk Şahin,Alpay Yilmaz,Mehmet Bayrak,Eren Pek,Kemal Özerkan,Hakan Ozan

DOI: 10.31083/j.ejgo.2021.03.2312

Abstract ( 1001 ) PDF (185.95 kB) ( 146 )

Case Reports

Open Access Special Issue

Lower leg compartment syndrome following laparoscopic uterine malignancy surgery for uterine cancer complicated by rheumatoid arthritis: a case report and literature review

Hanako Sato,Yasushi Kotani,Shiro Takamatsu,Mamiko Ohta,Reona Shiro,Kiko Yamamoto,Kosuke Murakami,Noriomi Matsumura

DOI: 10.31083/j.ejgo.2021.03.2296

(This article belongs to the Special Issue Minimally Invasive Surgery in Gynecologic Oncology)

Abstract ( 1054 ) PDF (1.4 MB) ( 174 )

Open Access Special Issue

Endometrial cancer with tubal metastasis detected during laparoscopic surgery in a patient undergoing fertility-sparing treatment with medroxyprogesterone acetate: a case report and review of the literature

Imari Deura,Yuko Nagasawa,Ryo Kanamori,Eriko Shiraishi,Yuki Horage,Shiho Kuji,Tatsuru Ohara,Nao Suzuki

DOI: 10.31083/j.ejgo.2021.03.2334

(This article belongs to the Special Issue Minimally Invasive Surgery in Gynecologic Oncology)

Abstract ( 856 ) PDF (624.84 kB) ( 163 )

Meeting Abstracts

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