Vol.44,Issue 4,August 2023


Open Access

Conservative surgical treatment of uterine fibroids in women of childbearing age

Hongxia Yu,Shoufeng Zhang,Wendi Zhang,Huimin Tang,Yao Chen,Zhiyong Dong,Zhenyue Qin,Junling Liu,Huihui Wang,Mingyue Bao,Weiwei Wei,Ruxia Shi,Bairong Xia,Jiming Chen

DOI: 10.22514/ejgo.2023.053

Abstract ( 1702 ) PDF (300.96 kB) ( 200 )

Original Research

Open Access

Analysis of NCCN-distress thermometer in patients with ovarian cancer: results of 150 patients prior to cytoreductive ovarian cancer surgery

Melisa Guelhan Inci,Marlene Lee,Hannah Woopen,Rolf Richter,Ute Goerling,Jalid Sehouli

DOI: 10.22514/ejgo.2023.049

Abstract ( 1527 ) PDF (313.7 kB) ( 161 )

Open Access

PI3K inhibitor promotes tumor vessel normalization and improves treatment outcomes of breast cancer with doxorubicin

Baihui Li,Yuanyuan Tian,Ju Huang,Haiying Zhang,Jiao Zhao,Lihong Zhang,Wei Li

DOI: 10.22514/ejgo.2023.058

Abstract ( 1205 ) PDF (1.75 MB) ( 135 )

Open Access

Effectiveness of artificial intelligence algorithms in identification of patients with high-grade histopathology after conisation

Marko Mlinarič,Maša Mlinarič,Miljenko Križmarić,Iztok Takač,Alenka Repše Fokter

DOI: 10.22514/ejgo.2023.050

Abstract ( 1348 ) PDF (13.17 MB) ( 161 )

Open Access

Study on the mechanism of Zhimu in the treatment of ovarian cancer based on network pharmacology

Sufan Guo,Chunting Peng,Qisheng Su,Zheng Yang,Xiaohong Li,Wuning Mo

DOI: 10.22514/ejgo.2023.059

Abstract ( 1247 ) PDF (2.42 MB) ( 157 )

Open Access

Symptomatic women experience long waits for endometrial cancer diagnosis and treatment in Brazil

Elaine Candido,Jose Torres,Daniela Yela,Caroline Pedro,Larissa Costa,Julio Teixeira

DOI: 10.22514/ejgo.2023.063

Abstract ( 1289 ) PDF (1.98 MB) ( 181 )

Open Access

Molybdenum target X-ray examination and multimodality MRI in the diagnosis of breast cancer

Zongzhang Huang,Jian Xu,Bintian Huang,Yilin Chen

DOI: 10.22514/ejgo.2023.064

Abstract ( 1153 ) PDF (301.91 kB) ( 134 )

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