Vol.46,Issue 1,January 2025

Systematic Reviews

Open Access

Vaginal wall smooth muscle tumors: a systematic review of literature and a case report of vaginal STUMP

Fabio Francesco Ciancio,Giulio Insalaco,Sara Forte,Claudia Randazzo,Federica Grasso,Giuseppina Trombetta,Michele Dello Spedale Venti,Piergiuseppe Colombo,Simone Millan,Marianna Gulisano,Marco Palumbo,Gaetano Valenti

DOI: 10.22514/ejgo.2025.001

Abstract ( 543 ) PDF (8.85 MB) ( 144 )

Original Research

Open Access

Clinical trial of HPV mRNA testing for uterine cervical cancer screening in Kitakyushu city

Yusuke Matsuura,Tomoko Kurita,Kiyoshi Yoshino

DOI: 10.22514/ejgo.2025.003

Abstract ( 593 ) PDF (4.9 MB) ( 173 )

Open Access

Treatment outcomes and survival in morbidly obese women with endometrial cancer

Katie K. Crean-Tate,Meng Yao,Milena Radeva,Sudha Amarnath,Chad M. Michener,Peter G. Rose,Mariam M. AlHilli

DOI: 10.22514/ejgo.2025.005

Abstract ( 515 ) PDF (2.49 MB) ( 129 )

Open Access

Identification of differential molecular characteristics and key genes between low- and high-grade serous ovarian cancer by bioinformatics analysis

Kai Meng,Yixin Zhang,Yuanmin Qi,Chuqi Liu,Mengmeng Yao,Zhimin Zhang,Jingyu Zhao,Jinghe Cao,Yan Guo

DOI: 10.22514/ejgo.2025.006

Abstract ( 505 ) PDF (11.79 MB) ( 120 )

Open Access

Quality of life in patients with cervical cancer and endometrial cancer during adjuvant treatment—similarities and differences useful in personalized care

Joanna Trawińska,Joanna Ewa Skręt-Magierło,Edyta Czetyrbok,Joanna Bielatowicz,Alicja Szczepańska,Anna Rybicka,Sebastian Kowalski,Aleksander Myszka,Andrzej Skręt,Edyta Barnaś,Małgorzata Gawlik,Bogusław Gawlik

DOI: 10.22514/ejgo.2025.007

Abstract ( 707 ) PDF (356.24 kB) ( 146 )

Open Access

Prognostic value of Ki-67 in patients with ovarian cancer

Su Wan,Chang Su,Yong Wang,Jin Ding,Qingya Jiang,Huafeng Ding,Guantai Ni

DOI: 10.22514/ejgo.2023.051

Abstract ( 2881 ) PDF (1.68 MB) ( 267 )

Case Reports

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