Vol.33,Issue 3,May 2012


Open Access

Endometrial stromal sarcoma in a 29-year-old patient. Case report and review of the literature

C. Sofoudis,T. Kalampokas,C. Grigoriadis,E. Kalampokas,K. Bakalianou,N. Salakos

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo201203328

Abstract ( 418 ) PDF (222.72 kB) ( 141 )

Original Research

Open Access

P16 immunostaining and HPV testing in histological specimens from the uterine cervix

G. Capobianco,V. Marras,J.M. Wenger,D.A. Santeufemia,G. Ambrosini,R. Lutzoni,M. Dessole,P.L. Cherchi

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo.0306

Abstract ( 482 ) PDF (60.63 kB) ( 120 )

Open Access

Frequency of recurrence after surgical treatment of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 1-3

R.S. Nomelini,T.S.F. Kamikabeya,S.J. Adad,E.F.C. Murta

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo201203245

Abstract ( 461 ) PDF (59.17 kB) ( 126 )

Open Access

Chemotherapy-related hypersensitivity reaction in Japanese patients with gynecologic malignancy

K. Kitada,Y. Hashiguchi,T. Fukuda,H. Yoshida,T. Ichimura,Y. Matsumoto,T. Yasui,T. Sumi,O. Ishiko

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo201203252

Abstract ( 449 ) PDF (58.01 kB) ( 122 )

Open Access

Sentinel node biopsy in male breast carcinoma: is the “female” approach justified?

D. Koukouras,C. Spyropoulos,A. Zygomalas,E. Tzoracoleftherakis

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo201203255

Abstract ( 475 ) PDF (49.92 kB) ( 107 )

Open Access

Normal serum CA125 half-life and normal serum nadir CA125 level in patients with ovarian cancers

T. Yoshikawa,M. Takano,T. Kita,K. Kudoh,N. Sasaki,M. Kato,A. Watanabe,M. Miyamoto,T. Goto,K. Furuya

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo201203269

Abstract ( 444 ) PDF (191.88 kB) ( 152 )

Open Access

Expression of tumor associated antigens CA 15-3 and CA 19-9 in trophoblast of the normal human placenta

Ž. Bojić-Trbojević,M. Jovanović Krivokuća,S. Vrzić-Petronijević,M. Petronijević,L. Vićovac

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo201203281

Abstract ( 549 ) PDF (1.44 MB) ( 147 )

Open Access

Toll-like receptor 4 signaling promotes the immunosuppressive cytokine production of human cervical cancer

Y.X. Cheng,X.Y. Qi,J.L. Huang,M. Hu,L.M. Zhou,B.S. Li,X.X. Xu

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo201203291

Abstract ( 572 ) PDF (286.84 kB) ( 119 )

Open Access

Status quo and prevention of overtreatment in cervical diseases

Xu Tianmin,Chang Weiqin,Cui Manhua,Li Yang,Si Lihui,Wei Tianshu,Li Xiaocui

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo201203300

Abstract ( 509 ) PDF (63.56 kB) ( 111 )

Open Access

Sentinel lymph node detection by intranipple injection of patent blue dye in breast cancer: a preliminary report of a feasibility study

S. Zervoudis,G. Iatrakis,M. Paschopoulos,V. Dousias,N. Geahchan,T. Stefos,F. Pechlivani,I. Navrozoglou

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo201203304

Abstract ( 456 ) PDF (130.52 kB) ( 119 )

Open Access

Bilateral juvenile fibroadenosis of the breast: management with subcutaneous mastectomy and silicone implant placement

Z. Mátrai,G. Gulyás,G. Tizedes,L. Tóth,Z. Langmár,M. Kásler

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo201203309

Abstract ( 787 ) PDF (275.62 kB) ( 139 )

Open Access

Long-term disease-free survival in three ovarian cancer patients with a single relapse

C.Y. Chen,H.P. Chang,K.K. Ng,C.C. Wang,C.H. Lai,A. CHAO

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo201203321

Abstract ( 510 ) PDF (291.62 kB) ( 120 )

Open Access

Endometrioid ovarian cancer arising from an endometriotic cyst in a young patient

D. Zygouris,V. Leontara,G.M. Makris,C. Chrelias,E. Trakakis,Ch. Christodoulaki,P. PANAGOPOULOS

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo201203324

Abstract ( 469 ) PDF (176.23 kB) ( 124 )

Open Access

Removal of a vaginal leiomyoma presenting as tumor previa allowing vaginal birth

V. Boškovic,S. Vrzic-Petronijevic,M. Petronijevic,J. Atanackovic,D. Bratic

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo201203326

Abstract ( 491 ) PDF (325.81 kB) ( 145 )

Open Access

Primary ovarian leiomyosarcoma

D. Zygouris,G. Androutsopoulos,C. Grigoriadis,N. Arnogiannaki,E. Terzakis

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo201203331

Abstract ( 478 ) PDF (359.66 kB) ( 104 )

Case Reports

Open Access

Leiomyosarcoma of the vulva

D. Salehin,C. Haugk,M. William,B. Hemmerlein,M. Thill,K. Diedrich,M. Friedrich

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo201203306

Abstract ( 490 ) PDF (475.37 kB) ( 113 )

Open Access

A huge retroperitoneal liposarcoma: case report

E.Y. Ki,S.T. Park,J.S. Park,S.Y. Hur

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo201203318

Abstract ( 479 ) PDF (603.4 kB) ( 126 )

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