Vol.35,Issue 2,March 2014


Open Access

Contraception after breast cancer: a retrospective review of the practice among French Gynecologists in the 2000’s

A.S. Hamy,H. Abuellellah,H. Hocini,F. Coussy,A. Gorins,D. Serfaty,B. Tournant,F. Perret,S. Bonfils,S. Giacchetti,C. Cuvier,M. Espie

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo24072014

Abstract ( 815 ) PDF (61.13 kB) ( 117 )

Open Access

Benign pulmonary metastasizing leiomyomatosis: case report

L. Cobellis,M.A. Castaldi,L. Mosca,V. Frega,D. Ambrosio,F. Corvino,N. Colacurci

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo24672014

Abstract ( 970 ) PDF (271.88 kB) ( 135 )

Original Research

Open Access

Survival and toxicity of radical radiotherapy (with or without brachytherapy) for FIGO Stage I and II cervical cancer: a mono-institutional analysis

L. Bandera,B. La Face,C. Antonioli,M. Galelli,B. Ghedi,A. Fiume,M. Buglione,S. M. Magrini,E. Sartori

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo24152014

Abstract ( 816 ) PDF (116.73 kB) ( 130 )

Open Access

Maspin expression in endometrial hyperplasia and carcinoma, and its relation with angiogenesis

C. Taskiran,O. Erdem,A. Onan,C. Vural,O. Arisoy,S. Yildiz,H. Guner

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo23382014

Abstract ( 774 ) PDF (132.83 kB) ( 104 )

Open Access

Radiosensitization of cervical cancer cells with epigenetic drugs hydralazine and valproate

E. Mani,L.A. Medina,K. Isaac-Olivé,A. Dueñas-González

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo23962014

Abstract ( 814 ) PDF (137.71 kB) ( 156 )

Open Access

Borderline ovarian tumors: outcomes of fertility sparing surgery

S.S. Ozalp,O.T. Yalcin,E. Telli,T. Oge,S. Kabukcuoglu

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo24062014

Abstract ( 813 ) PDF (50.29 kB) ( 124 )

Open Access

Management of breast lobular carcinoma in situ: radio-pathological correlation, clinical implications, and follow-up

G. Capobianco,L. Simbula,D. Soro,F. Meloni,P. Cossu-Rocca,S. Dessole,G. Ambrosini,P.L. Cherchi,G.B. Meloni

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo25012014

Abstract ( 699 ) PDF (149.99 kB) ( 116 )

Case Reports

Open Access

Management of a primary retroperitoneal mucinous cystadenocarcinoma: case report

T. Kurita,K. Nakajima,C. Koi,Y. Matsuura,T. Hachisuga

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo24002014

Abstract ( 773 ) PDF (577.7 kB) ( 132 )

Open Access

Axillary lymph node metastasis as first presentation of peritoneal carcinomatosis from serous papillary ovarian cancer: case report and review of the literature

S. Sibio,P. Sammartino,F. Accarpio,M.L. Framarino dei Malatesta,D. Biacchi,B.M. Sollazzo,A. Di Giorgio

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo24962014

Abstract ( 773 ) PDF (329.22 kB) ( 149 )

Open Access

Leiomyosarcoma of the broad ligament: a case report with CT and MRI images

N. Makihara,T. Maeda,Y. Ebina,K. Kitajima,F. Kawakami,S. Hara,H. Yamada

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo24022014

Abstract ( 746 ) PDF (437.74 kB) ( 139 )

Open Access

Chylous ascites after retroperitoneal aortocava lymphadenectomy for endometrial cancer: a case report

C. Goiri Little,R. Ruiz Sautua,L. Martínez Gallardo,T. Bernal Arahal,M.L. Avila Calle

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo24382014

Abstract ( 843 ) PDF (47.36 kB) ( 146 )

Open Access

Minimal deviation endometrioid adenocarcinoma of the endometrium and its MRI findings

Y. Nakao,F. Yamasaki,M. Yokoyama,S. Aihara,M. Yasunaga,T. Iwasaka

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo24312014

Abstract ( 765 ) PDF (197.02 kB) ( 121 )

Open Access

Leiomyomatosis peritonealis disseminata: an additional case

A. Barone,B.J. Rocca,M.G. Mastrogiulio,XA. Ambrosio,R. Santopietro

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo24452014

Abstract ( 773 ) PDF (364.72 kB) ( 109 )

Open Access

Ovary-preserving tumorectomy for immature teratoma in an adolescent – Case report

M. Djukic,Z. Stankovic,M. Vasiljevic,B. Vranes,D. Savic,S. Djuricic

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo24272014

Abstract ( 880 ) PDF (170.35 kB) ( 115 )

Letters to the Editor

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