Vol.37,Issue 3,June 2016


Original Research

Open Access

Do obesity and age effect the clinicopathological features and survival outcomes in premenopausal women with endometrial cancer?

S. Topuz,H. Sozen,D. Vatansever,A.C. Iyibozkurt,B.Y. Ozgor,E. Bastu,Y. Salihoglu,S. Berkman

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo2662.2016

Abstract ( 728 ) PDF (1.76 MB) ( 121 )

Open Access

The problems of cervical conization for postmenopausal patients

K. Hasegawa,Y. Torii,R. Kato,Y. Udagawa,I. Fukasawa

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo2857.2016

Abstract ( 724 ) PDF (113.46 kB) ( 147 )

Open Access

Detection and correlation of pre-operative, frozen section, and final pathology in high-risk endometrial cancer

M.J. Kanis,J. Rahaman,E.L. Moshier,K. Zakashansky,L. Chuang,V. Kolev

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo2856.2016

Abstract ( 756 ) PDF (227.36 kB) ( 147 )

Open Access

Serum lipid profile in gynecologic tumors: a retrospective clinical study of 1,550 patients

Y. Sun,H. Meng,Y. Jin,X. Shi,Y. Wu,D. Fan,X. Wang,X. Jia,H. Dai

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo2854.2016

Abstract ( 724 ) PDF (116.28 kB) ( 151 )

Open Access

Biological characteristics and construction of stable ALDH-1 knock-down Hela cell lines

Longyang Liu,Juanjuan Yi,Dikai Zhang,Dongqing Zhang,San Chen,Xiao Li,Junpu Qin,Minyi Wang,Maocai Wang,Zhongqiu Lin

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo2679.2016

Abstract ( 651 ) PDF (565.52 kB) ( 145 )

Open Access

An exploration of attitudes towards breast cancer screening in orthodox Jewish women in Antwerp – Belgium

E. Bruwiere,S. Van Roosbroeck,G. Van Hal,J. Muys,Y. Jacquemyn

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo2842.2016

Abstract ( 686 ) PDF (108.32 kB) ( 118 )

Case Reports

Open Access

Preserving fertility in women with endometrial cancer: two clinical cases

B. Romero Guadix,N. Rodríguez Ruiz,L. Martínez Navarro,J. Fontes Jiménez,J. Mozas Moreno,M.C. Gonzalvo López,A. Clavero Gilabert,J.A. Castilla Alcalá

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo3013.2016

Abstract ( 663 ) PDF (102.95 kB) ( 118 )

Open Access

Virchow’s node metastasis: an unusual presentation of ovarian cancer

Y. Kemal,A. Kokcu,M. Kefeli,F.C. Tosun,G. Demirag,E. Kurtoglu,I. Yucel

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo2812.2016

Abstract ( 630 ) PDF (326.84 kB) ( 105 )

Open Access

Undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcoma with focally rhabdomyosarcomatous differentiation of the ovary

E. Kurtoglu,H. Celik,A. Kokcu,M. Kefeli,A.Z. Ozdemir,M. Danaci

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo2844.2016

Abstract ( 649 ) PDF (348.08 kB) ( 103 )

Open Access

Bone metastasis in endometrial cancer: evaluation of treatment approaches by factors affecting prognosis

E. Doğer,Y. Çakıroğlu,Ö. Özdamar,Y. Ceylan,E. Köle,İ. Yücesoy,E. Çalıskan

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo2862.2016

Abstract ( 622 ) PDF (625.7 kB) ( 148 )

Open Access

Dedifferentiated endometrioid adenocarcinoma of the uterus: a case report

H. Soyama,M. Takano,M. Miyamoto,M. Kato,T. Goto,K. Furuya

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo2836.2016

Abstract ( 751 ) PDF (488.31 kB) ( 136 )

Open Access

Vagina as a rare location of renal cell carcinoma metastasis

I.L. Ladjevic,A. Stefanovic,S. Kadija,M. Terzic,K. Jeremic,T. Janjic

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo2849.2016

Abstract ( 788 ) PDF (394.37 kB) ( 109 )

Open Access

Rapidly progressive primary undifferentiated ovarian carcinoma: presentation of a rare case

C. Sofoudis,A. Koumousidis,E. Politi,V. Koutoulidis,D. Hasiakos,N. Salakos

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo2864.2016

Abstract ( 791 ) PDF (270.63 kB) ( 135 )

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