Vol.33,Issue 5,September 2012


Open Access

Preoperative evaluation, clinical characteristics, and prognostic factors of nongenital metastatic ovarian tumors: review of 48 patients

A.B. Guzel,U. Kucukgoz Gulec,S. Paydas,G. Khatib,D. Gumurdulu,M.A.Vardar,A. Altintas

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo201205493

Abstract ( 337 ) PDF (72.76 kB) ( 107 )

Open Access

Malignant primary peritoneal mesothelioma: report of two cases and review of literature

I˙. Dunder,C. Baykal,I˙. Turkmen,N. Bas¸süllü,G.B. Dog˘usoy,G. Demir

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo201205549

Abstract ( 322 ) PDF (803.57 kB) ( 140 )

Original Research

Open Access

Clinical outcomes of adjuvant chemotherapy and vaginal brachytherapy with or without pelvic radiation for surgical Stage I-II uterine serous carcinoma

J.R. Robbins,M.S. Siddiqui,Z. Al-Wahab,B. Laser,M. Lu,R. Ali-Fehmi,A. Munkarah,M.A. ELSHAIKH

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo201205449

Abstract ( 382 ) PDF (272.74 kB) ( 149 )

Open Access

Clinical significance of Mena and Her-2 expression in breast cancer

J.W. Du,K.Y. Xu,L.Y. Fang,X.L. Qi

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo201205455

Abstract ( 376 ) PDF (63.85 kB) ( 108 )

Open Access

Clinicopathological study of 112 cases of benign, pre-invasive and invasive lesions of the vagina: a 15-year review

A. Kondi-Pafiti,C. Grigoriadis,T. Kalampokas,A. Filippidou,N. Salakos,D. Hassiakos

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo201205463

Abstract ( 387 ) PDF (64.23 kB) ( 144 )

Open Access

Role of the association of high-risk HPV identified by real-time PCR in cervical preneoplastic lesions

G. Balbi,A. Napolitano,F. Giordano,S. Capuano,M.A. Manganaro,L. Di Martino,D. Fusco,F. Grauso,E. Seguino

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo201205467

Abstract ( 331 ) PDF (473.34 kB) ( 120 )

Open Access

Late recurrence of cervical cancer: a report of 16 cases

L. Cetina,A. Garcia-Arias,C. Aguila,D. Pérez,J. Coronel,D. Cantú,L. Rivera,A. Dueñas-González

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo201205485

Abstract ( 354 ) PDF (93.09 kB) ( 134 )

Open Access

Treatment of malignant ovarian germ cell tumors and preservation of fertility

R. Zhang,Y.C. Sun,G.Y. Zhang,L.Y. Wu,J. Zuo

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo201205489

Abstract ( 350 ) PDF (68.16 kB) ( 133 )

Open Access

Evaluation of frozen-section analysis of surgical margins in the treatment of breast cancer

G. Novita,J.R. Filassi,C.A. Ruiz,M.D. Ricci,K.M. Pincerato,H.R. de Oliveira Filho,J.M. Soares Jr.,E.C. Baracat

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo201205498

Abstract ( 357 ) PDF (64.47 kB) ( 139 )

Open Access

Comparing transvaginally defined endometrial thickness with hysteroscopic and histopathologic findings in asyptomatic postmenopausal women

Th. Kalampokas,G. Odysseas,L. Grigoriadis,C. Iavazzo,A. Zervakis,C. Sofoudis,E. Kalampokas,D. Botsis

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo201205508

Abstract ( 323 ) PDF (67.06 kB) ( 118 )

Open Access

Correlation of human papilloma virus infection with cytology, colposcopy and histopathological examination of the bioptic tissue in low- and high-grade intraepithelial lesions

A. Mitrovic Jovanović,S. Dragojevic Dikic,V. Jovanovic,M. Zamurovic,B. Nikolic,V. Krsic,S. Rakic,B. Stanimirovic

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo201205512

Abstract ( 350 ) PDF (72.65 kB) ( 128 )

Open Access

Seasonal variation in breast cancer incidence. Circumstantial or default event?

C. Markopoulos,D. Mantas,E. Kouskos,Z. Antonopoulou

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo201205521

Abstract ( 383 ) PDF (141.54 kB) ( 145 )

Open Access

Primary mucinous borderline tumor of the vermiform appendix mimicking ovarian carcinoma; case report

C. Baykal,İ.Ç. Türkmen,F. Hizli,G.B. Doğusoy,İ Sertel,İ. Dünder

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo201205528

Abstract ( 322 ) PDF (454.09 kB) ( 129 )

Open Access

Synchronous of breast and vulvar Paget’s disease: a case report

J.C. Cooper,K.E. Hew,K.M. Audlin,D.D. Im,K. Matsuo

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo201205534

Abstract ( 323 ) PDF (56.04 kB) ( 137 )

Open Access

Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans of the mons pubis

A. Zizi-Sermpetzoglou,V. Savvaidou,S. Fournogerakis,E. Moustou,M. Konstantidelli,N. Vlachakos

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo201205537

Abstract ( 378 ) PDF (1.66 MB) ( 135 )

Open Access

Adenosarcoma ovarii in a 51-year-old woman: case report

E. Garalejić,B. Arsić,M. Perović,M. Vasiljević,S.K. Usˇaj,D. Stanojević

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo201205543

Abstract ( 321 ) PDF (786.95 kB) ( 100 )

Open Access

Enlarged Virchow’s node as an initial complaint of serous ovarian adenocarcinoma

M. Rahman,K. Nakayama,M.T. Rahman,H. Katagiri,T. Ishibashi,K. Miyazaki

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo201205546

Abstract ( 362 ) PDF (725.82 kB) ( 103 )

Case Reports

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