Vol.27,Issue 3,May 2006


Open Access

Clinicopathological features of unusual vascular lesions of the pelvis, retroperitoneum and colon in females: a report of five cases and review of the literature

E. Kairi-Vassilatou,D. Grapsa,K.K ontogianni-Katsarou,V. Smyrniotis,D. Hasiakos,A. Kondi-Pafiti Agatha

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo200603250

Abstract ( 370 ) PDF (2.85 MB) ( 108 )

Open Access

A giant uterine leiomyoma simulating an ovarian mass in a 16-year-old girl: a case report and review of the literature

D. Grapsa,V. Smyrniotis,D. Hasiakos,K. Kontogianni-Katsarou,A. Kondi-Pafiti

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo200603294

Abstract ( 402 ) PDF (2.06 MB) ( 105 )

Original Research

Open Access

Down-regulation of E-cadherin is closely associated with progression of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN), but not with high-risk human papillomavirus (HPV) or disease outcome in cervical cancer

M. Branca,C. Giorgi,M. Ciotti,D. Santini,L. Di Bonito,S. Costa,A. Benedetto,D. Bonifacio,P. Di Bonito,P. Paba,L. Accardi,L. Mariani,S. Syrjanen,C. Favalli,K. Syrjanen,on behalf of the HPV-PathogenISS Study Group

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo200603215

Abstract ( 388 ) PDF (3.91 MB) ( 134 )

Open Access

Radiation therapy with concomitant and adjuvant cisplatin and paclitaxel in high-risk cervical cancer: long-term follow-up

P.A. Argenta,R. Ghebre,K.E. Dusenbery,M.D. Chen,P.L. Judson,L.S. Downs Jr.,L.F. Carson

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo200603231

Abstract ( 429 ) PDF (618.1 kB) ( 144 )

Open Access

Trastuzumab in metastatic breast cancer

F. Tomao,E. Miele,G.P. Spinelli,M. Russillo,G. La Ferla,S. Tomao

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo200603247

Abstract ( 403 ) PDF (417.76 kB) ( 115 )

Open Access

Proliferative effects of different hormone regimens on mammary glands in ovariectomized rats

T. Cirpan,O. Iscan,M.C. Terek,S. Ozsener,L. Kanit,S. Pogun,O. Zekioglu,S. Yucebilgin

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo200603256

Abstract ( 360 ) PDF (2.09 MB) ( 144 )

Open Access

Wire localisation biopsy of non-palpable breast lesions: reasons for unsuccessful excision

E. Kouskos,G.P.H. Gui,D. Mantas,K. Revenas,N. Rallis,Z. Antonopoulou,E. Lampadariou,H. Gogas,C. Markopoulos

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo200603262

Abstract ( 458 ) PDF (664.47 kB) ( 139 )

Open Access

Cervical-vaginal disease in HIV immunosuppressed patients: management and present screening programme

L. Di Stefano,G. Coppola,S. Moro,E. Colageo,A. Cellini,G. Coletti

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo200603267

Abstract ( 361 ) PDF (430.16 kB) ( 109 )

Open Access

Endometriosis and possible malignant transformation

M. Gojnic,V. Dugalic,V. Jeremic,N. Popovic,Lj. Arsenijevic

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo200603271

Abstract ( 359 ) PDF (202.29 kB) ( 127 )

Open Access

Surgical management of nipple discharge

C. Markopoulos,D. Mantas,E. Kouskos,Z. Antonopoulou,K. Lambadariou,K. Revenas,A. Papachristodoulou

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo200603275

Abstract ( 396 ) PDF (475.19 kB) ( 105 )

Open Access

Amerindian women of the Brazilian Amazon and STD

E.B. Brito,I.D.C Silva,J.N. Stavale,E. Taromaru,R.C. Menezes,S.J. Martins

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo200603279

Abstract ( 386 ) PDF (390.45 kB) ( 129 )

Open Access

DCIS histopathology from a historical perspective

A.C. Goussia,D.G. Stefanou,E.C. Karaiossifidi,N.J. Agnantis

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo200603282

Abstract ( 369 ) PDF (516.51 kB) ( 124 )

Open Access

Metastases of the digestive tract and ovarian tumors -or vice versa: an analysis

M. Gojnic,V. Dugalic,V. Jeremic,D. Filimonovic,N. Popovic

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo200603299

Abstract ( 365 ) PDF (193.59 kB) ( 123 )

Case Reports

Open Access

Uterine bizarre epithelioid lipoleiomyoma with a myxoid stroma

K. Takeuchi,S. Kitazawa,T. Tsujino,S. Wakahashi,T. Maruo

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo200603273

Abstract ( 418 ) PDF (3.84 MB) ( 149 )

Open Access

Third stage ovarian carcinoma - case report: the necessity of a multidisciplinary approach to treatment

E.M. Messalli,C. Scaffa,G. Mainini,M. Rotondi,E. Pecori,L. Cobellis

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo200603291

Abstract ( 365 ) PDF (4.02 MB) ( 105 )

Open Access

Double laparotomy wound recurrence of endometrial carcinoma

G.C. Balbi,A. Cardone,A. Monteverde,M. Passaro,L. Montone,R. Rossiello,S. Visconti,M. Battisti,E. Cassese,I. Landino

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo200603307

Abstract ( 381 ) PDF (2.19 MB) ( 121 )

Open Access

Primary leiomyoma of the ovary in a young woman: literature review and report of a case

E.E. Ozcimen,M. Oktem,H.B. Zeyneloglu,B.H. Ozdemir,E. Kuscu

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo200603310

Abstract ( 395 ) PDF (323.08 kB) ( 121 )

Open Access

Female adnexal tumor of probable Wolffian origin: clinicopathological, immunohistochemical and cytofluorimetric analyses of a 22-year-old virgin. Case report

G.C. Balbi,L. Del Piano,D. Labriola,S. Visconti,A. Monteverde,M. Passaro,R. Monaco,A. Cardone,R. Rossiello,S. Panariello,L. Montone

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo200603313

Abstract ( 400 ) PDF (2.23 MB) ( 122 )

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