Vol.39,Issue 3,June 2018


Open Access

Surgical approach of breast cancer: advances and limitations

A. Liberis,Z. Fasoulakis,N. Psarros,P. Kadari,E. Kontomanolis

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo4186.2018

Abstract ( 837 ) PDF (245.37 kB) ( 124 )

Open Access

Borderline ovarian tumors – literature review

J. Varga,Z. Dzurová,S. Toporcerová,P. Urdzík

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo3739.2018

Abstract ( 667 ) PDF (107.63 kB) ( 137 )

Original Research

Open Access

HIPEC treatment in advanced and recurrent ovarian cancer: a meta-analysis of observational studies

T.H. Dellinger,D.D. Smith,E. Ballard,E. Mikhael,R.J. Morgan,B. Lee,M.T. Wakabayashi,E.S. Han

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo3957.2018

Abstract ( 832 ) PDF (552.53 kB) ( 139 )

Open Access

Pelvic insufficiency fractures after whole pelvic irradiation for uterine cervical cancer

H. Tanaka,A. Kato,M. Kawaguchi,T. Yamaguchi,M. Kitahara,K. Matsuyama,S. Okada,M. Matsuo

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo3708.2018

Abstract ( 718 ) PDF (281.19 kB) ( 107 )

Open Access

Has the “paradigm shift” in the management of advanced ovarian, tubal and primary peritoneal cancer altered the locations of recurrence?

A. Phillips,S. Sundar,R. Pounds,A. Elattar,J. Nevin,S. Kehoe,J. Balega,K. Singh

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo4183.2018

Abstract ( 710 ) PDF (114.11 kB) ( 119 )

Open Access

Incidental appendectomy at the time of gynecologic surgery

M.F. Benoit,K.A. O’Hanlan,M.S. Sten,C.L. Kosnik,D.M. Struck,M.S. O’Holleran,J. Cuff,D.M. Halliday,E.A. Kent

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo4244.2018

Abstract ( 708 ) PDF (101.35 kB) ( 132 )

Open Access

HPV and HPV vaccine knowledge among HPV-vaccinated women in North-eastern Romania

M. Grigore,M. Matei,A. Pristavu,S.I. Teleman

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo3773.2018

Abstract ( 661 ) PDF (100.88 kB) ( 146 )

Open Access

Cervical dysplasia during pregnancy - Effects on oncological and psychological outcome: a case control study

S. Rueckert,K. Oestreich,J. Gallwas,T. Kolben,N. Ditsch,T. Starrach,C. Blume,C. Dannecker,T.M. Kolben

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo3744.2018

Abstract ( 717 ) PDF (107.97 kB) ( 135 )

Open Access

Impact of age on the quality of care in endometrial cancer: a retrospective study of 145 patients

B. Ripamonti,C.R. Lacoste,O. Le Saux,T. Raia-Barjat,C. Chauleur

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo3923.2018

Abstract ( 617 ) PDF (204.75 kB) ( 127 )

Open Access

Lymph node metastasis in early stage endometrial cancer

A. Kaban,B. Erdem,I. Kaban,C. Numanoğlu

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo3933.2018

Abstract ( 632 ) PDF (114.53 kB) ( 113 )

Open Access

Significance and expression of c-erBb-2, p53, and caspase-3 in breast cancer tissue in different age groups

Z.Y. Liu,L. Guo,G. Xiao,G.Y. Dong,Y.X. Zhang,H. Cheng,X.Y. Wang,C. Yang

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo3962.2018

Abstract ( 650 ) PDF (96.96 kB) ( 128 )

Open Access

Time since first sexual intercourse is a good parameter to select women at higher risk for CIN3

A.M. Dias Fachini,M.G. Discacciati,C.A. Scheler de Souza,S.M. Bergo,M. Traue,L. de Ângelo Andrade,M.T. Lima,L.C. Zeferino

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo4003.2018

Abstract ( 733 ) PDF (103.24 kB) ( 136 )

Open Access

Is adjuvant treatment in early-stage uterine sarcomas beneficial?

C. M. Sepúlveda-Rivera,S. A. Barquet-Muñoz,C. Pérez-Plascencia,R. Salcedo-Hernández,A. M. Ruiz-Beltrán,D. Cantú de León

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo4020.2018

Abstract ( 693 ) PDF (192.16 kB) ( 107 )

Open Access

Expression and clinical significance of ARHI and p130 in endometrial carcinoma

Wei Xiao,Xia-Hua Zhang,Hong-Hui Zhao,Qiu-Ya Hao,Lei Sun,Ou Jin,Rui-Fang An

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo4150.2018

Abstract ( 629 ) PDF (633.03 kB) ( 133 )

Open Access

Creation of risk index for premalignant changes of the uterine cervix

L.D. Tasic,L.G. Antic,A.I. Jursic,S.D. Jankovic,B. Kastratovic Kotlica,N.T. Karadzov,D.Z. Antic

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo4174.2018

Abstract ( 682 ) PDF (1,011.45 kB) ( 140 )

Open Access

Effect of siRNA against nerve growth factor (NGF) on growth and invasion of ovarian cancer cell

Fengjuan Liu,Hong Tao,Qi Shen,Yinglin Zheng,Ke Zhang,Jinyi Tong

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo3990.2018

Abstract ( 621 ) PDF (1.57 MB) ( 121 )

Case Reports

Open Access

Primary peritoneal cancer in pregnancy: case report and review of the literature

C. Brooks,J. Sandhu,Y. Solberg,P. Athanasias

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo3762.2018

Abstract ( 666 ) PDF (209.69 kB) ( 125 )

Open Access

Isolated recurrence of early-stage cervical cancer in the abdominal wall with suboptimal surgery

E. Yilmaz,E. I. Coskun,C. Koc,N. Sahin,B. Isik,B. Ciplak

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo3884.2018

Abstract ( 723 ) PDF (235.62 kB) ( 120 )

Open Access

Osteosarcoma appearing in the uterus as malignant mixed Müllerian tumor

Liu Jin,Yang Xi,Zhang Wenyuan,Ping Jinliang,Zhong Liping,Han Shuwen

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo3991.2018

Abstract ( 819 ) PDF (1.69 MB) ( 128 )

Open Access

Glycogen-rich clear cell breast carcinoma in a luminal-Her2 molecular subtype: is it only a pathologic feature or is there a gap in therapy?

A. Tampakis,E. C. Tampaki,P. Korkolopoulou,G. Rigas,K. Kontzoglou,E. Patsouris,G. Kouraklis

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo4004.2018

Abstract ( 660 ) PDF (435.45 kB) ( 107 )

Open Access

Endometrium-limited endometrioid adenocarcinoma and lung metastasis with unusual hyaline globules

K. Utsugi,T. Motoyama,N. Suzuki,Y. Sugiyama,N. Takeshima

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo4050.2018

Abstract ( 750 ) PDF (3.37 MB) ( 139 )

Open Access

Cesarean scar gestational trophoblastic disease: two case reports

Ge-Er Zhang,Shu-Ping Cai,Zi-Min Pan

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo4044.2018

Abstract ( 714 ) PDF (420.94 kB) ( 146 )

Open Access

Small cell neuroendocrine carcinomas of the uterine cervix: case report

Yi Ding,Hongyan Gao,Shan Meng,Xia Yuan,Qing Wang,Yan Peng,Jiming Chen

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo4108.2018

Abstract ( 706 ) PDF (1.42 MB) ( 125 )

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