Vol.39,Issue 6,December 2018


Open Access

Could there be a role for the antidiabetic drug metformin in oncological treatment?

A. Markowska,S. Sajdak,J. Markowska,A. Huczyński

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo4677.2018

Abstract ( 687 ) PDF (441.07 kB) ( 115 )

Original Research

Open Access

Robotic radical trachelectomy with sentinel lymph node mapping using ICG in early cervical cancer – a brief report

T. Avnon,L. Gortzak-Uzan,L. Ostrovsky,N. Michaan,Y. Raz,D. Grisaru

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo4198.2018

Abstract ( 714 ) PDF (94.05 kB) ( 128 )

Open Access

Concentration of serotonin in perimenopausal women with ductal breast cancer and polycystic ovary syndrome

S. Stanosz,J. von Mach Szczypiński,A. Fogel,E. Sowińska-Przepiera,J. Kościuszkiewicz,E. Żochowska,A. Syrenicz

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo4121.2018

Abstract ( 679 ) PDF (557.22 kB) ( 108 )

Open Access

Doxorubicin hydrochloride and bevacizumab for the patients with platinum-taxane resistant ovarian cancer

T. Ota,Y. Sugimori,K. Fujino,T. Ujihira,S. Kusunoki,M. Kimura,Y. Terao,D. Ogishima,S. Takeda

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo4066.2018

Abstract ( 700 ) PDF (315.01 kB) ( 136 )

Open Access

Disease profile and incidence of hydatidiform mole in Vitoria (Brazil) between 2003-2016

C. de Almeida Fiorillo,R. Zolli Massini,R. Bermudes Musiello,A. Chambo Filho

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo4326.2018

Abstract ( 698 ) PDF (170.98 kB) ( 115 )

Open Access

Investigation of paclitaxel-carboplatin one-cycle neoadjuvant chemotherapy plus trastuzumab in HER2-positive breast cancer

G.-L. Zhang,C.-X. Ba,A.-Y. Liu,D.-Q. Ren,H. Li 1,J.-J. Zhu,J.-N. Fan,P.-L. Zhang

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo4533.2018

Abstract ( 737 ) PDF (99.62 kB) ( 148 )

Open Access

Poor prognosis associated with venous thromboembolism in Asian patients with ovarian clear cell carcinoma

Ka Yu Tse,Philip Pun Ching Ip,Suk Kwan Lau,Tong Yow Ng,Kar Fai Tam,Annie Nga Yin Cheung,Hextan Yuen Sheung Ngan

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo3972.2018

Abstract ( 606 ) PDF (1.03 MB) ( 134 )

Open Access

Clinical significance of atypical glandular cells in Pap tests: experience of a gynecologic oncology center in 74 patients

B. Erdem,N. Peker,N.A. Seyhan,V. Ülker,C. Numanoğlu,Ö. Akbayır,G. Demirezen,K.D. Seçkin

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo3977.2018

Abstract ( 759 ) PDF (98.41 kB) ( 138 )

Open Access

Expression analysis of the Beclin-1 in premalignant and malignant tissues of the uterine cervix

Z. Protrka,A. Dimitrijevic,N. Jovic,T. Kastratovic,J. Djuric,J. Nedovic,S. Zivanovic,A. Vujic,S.M. Drakulic,N. Djonovic,P. Arsenijevic

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo4028.2018

Abstract ( 606 ) PDF (419.14 kB) ( 135 )

Open Access

Immunohistochemical analysis of heat shock proteins in triple negative breast cancer: HSP60 expression is a marker of poor prognosis

K. Bodoor,A. Abu-sheikha,I. Matalka,H. Alzou’bi,O. Batiha,A. Abu-Awad,S.A. Jalboush,L. M. Fayyad,E. Qadiri,Y. Jarun,K. Albatayneh,Y. Haddad

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo4347.2018

Abstract ( 706 ) PDF (565.47 kB) ( 124 )

Open Access

Ultrasound and X-ray performance of breast carcinosarcoma

Zhi-Ying Jia,Xiu-Qing Ai,Yin-Hua Zhang,Li Li,Fu-Cheng Ma

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo4456.2018

Abstract ( 627 ) PDF (264.19 kB) ( 119 )

Open Access

The TP53 - R72P (rs1042522) polymorphism and risk factors in breast cancer patients

M.R. Lisboa,B.C. de Almeida,H.M. Lisboa Capelasso,A.L. Escobar,I.D.C. Guerreiro da Silva

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo4419.2018

Abstract ( 703 ) PDF (1.94 MB) ( 154 )

Open Access

Lymphovascular space invasion and positive peritoneal cytology are independent prognostic factors for lymph node metastasis and recurrence in endometrial cancer

N. Yildirim,A. Bilgi,S.G. Gokulu,L. Akman,O. Zekioglu,G. Serin,N. Ozdemir,S. Alanyali,Z. Ozsaran,A.A. Ozsaran,M.C. Terek

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo4539.2018

Abstract ( 617 ) PDF (111.66 kB) ( 150 )

Open Access

Carboplatin and low-dose paclitaxel. An effective regimen in older and comorbid patients with advanced cervical cancer. A phase II study.

J. Coronel,D. Cantú,M. Rodríguez-Morales,L. Cetina,A. González-Fierro,A. Dueñas-González

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo4306.2018

Abstract ( 653 ) PDF (171.64 kB) ( 106 )

Case Reports

Open Access

Ovarian borderline clear cell adenofibroma in a 42-year-old woman: a case report and a literature review

Qiongxian Long,Jiyan Liu,Yong Peng,Zhirong Tang,Cailiang Wu

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo3943.2018

Abstract ( 623 ) PDF (1.74 MB) ( 142 )

Open Access

Krukenberg tumor – two diagnostically challenging cases and a brief review

H. Nakamura,M. Tsunakake,H. Takabatake,K. Tomono,H. Honda,T. Sawasaki,T. Mizunoe

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo4099.2018

Abstract ( 741 ) PDF (2.11 MB) ( 155 )

Open Access

Invasive molar pregnancy mimicking choriocarcinoma. A case

C. Sofoudis,A. Tzivelopoulou,D. Fagrezos,C. Anastasiadis,A. Kavatha,E. Papamargaritis,A. Gerolymatos

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo4161.2018

Abstract ( 690 ) PDF (248.96 kB) ( 113 )

Open Access

Retroperitoneal teratoma misdiagnosed as ovarian tumor: a case report

Aiwen Le,Zhonghai Wang,Xiaoyun Dai,Tianhui Xiao,Rong Zhuo

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo4171.2018

Abstract ( 644 ) PDF (859.58 kB) ( 137 )

Open Access

Intrapelvic sclerosing epithelioid fibrosarcoma: a case report

M. Omori,S. Ichikawa,M. Oi,T. Inoue,M. Ohgi,H. Fukasawa,A. Hashi,S. Hirata

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo4241.2018

Abstract ( 592 ) PDF (613.76 kB) ( 106 )

Open Access

Adenoid cystic carcinoma of Bartholin’s gland. From the ISSVD Case Consultation Committee

A. Wernicke,C. Latapie,M.S. Peremateu,C.E. Marchitelli,M.L. Absi

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo4441.2018

Abstract ( 699 ) PDF (455.3 kB) ( 118 )

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