Vol.27,Issue 2,March 2006

Original Research

Open Access

Definitive and palliative radiotherapy for cervix cancer in the elderly

F.L. Ampil,J.B. Unger,G. Caldito,A. Charrier

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo200602115

Abstract ( 449 ) PDF (469.24 kB) ( 120 )

Open Access

Improved survival of patients with ovarian cancer in Northern Denmark, 1985-2004

M.S. Tetsche,M. NØrgaard,J. Jacobsen,E.S. Andersen,P. Lundorff,J. Blaakær,H.T. SØrensen

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo200602119

Abstract ( 388 ) PDF (518.96 kB) ( 147 )

Open Access

Angiopoietin-1, 2 and Tie2 expressions in endometrial adenocarcinoma-the Ang2 dominant balance up-regulates tumor angiogenesis in the presence of VEGF

M. Saito,J. Watanabe,T. Fujisawa,Y. Kamata,Y. Nishimura,T. Arai,T. Miyamoto,A. Obokata,H. Kuramoto

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo200602129

Abstract ( 399 ) PDF (4.01 MB) ( 107 )

Open Access

Prevalence of human papilloma virus infection of the uterine cervix in women with abnormal cervical cytology

E. Gonzalez-Bosquet,M.M. Almagro,I. Mora,M. Sufiol,J. Callejo,J.M. Lailla

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo200602135

Abstract ( 349 ) PDF (415.91 kB) ( 143 )

Open Access

The incidence of vulvar pathology and vulvectomy within risk and non-risk groups

M. Gojnic,V. Dugalic,S. Milicevic,Lj. Arsenijevic,N. Popovic,A. Stefanovic

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo200602147

Abstract ( 423 ) PDF (342.69 kB) ( 111 )

Open Access

Preoperative breast ultrasound and Doppler velocimetric findings in patients with breast cancer

G. M. Mansour,I. K. I. El-Lamie,H. M. El Sayed,A. M. Ibrahim

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo200602165

Abstract ( 391 ) PDF (1.93 MB) ( 138 )

Open Access

Endometriosis mimicking soft tissue tumors: Diagnosis and treatment

A. Marinis,J. Vassiliou,D. Kannas,T.K. Theodosopoulos,A. Kondi-Pafiti,E. Kairi,V. Smyrniotis

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo200602168

Abstract ( 346 ) PDF (2.02 MB) ( 122 )

Open Access

The role of actin bundling protein fascin in the progression of ovarian neoplasms

S. Kabukcuoglu,U. Oner,S.S. Ozalp,K. Bildirici,O.T. Yalcin,E. Colak

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo200602171

Abstract ( 378 ) PDF (2.44 MB) ( 140 )

Open Access

Does raloxifene therapy affect rnarnrnographic breast cancer screening in postrnenopausal patients?

T. Cirpan,F. Akercan,I.M. Itil,G. Gundem,I. Bilgen,M.S. Yucebilgin

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo200602177

Abstract ( 352 ) PDF (242.37 kB) ( 142 )

Open Access

CMF with 5-FU in continuous infusion - a pilot study

F. Franchi,C. Pastore,P. Seminara

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo200602204

Abstract ( 365 ) PDF (120.55 kB) ( 150 )

Case Reports

Open Access

Treatment of choriocarcinoma metastases by surgery and polychemotherapy - case report

K. Jeremie,M. Gojnic,V. Boskovie,R. Argirovie,V. Milenkovie,J. Jeremie

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo200602162

Abstract ( 419 ) PDF (317.49 kB) ( 141 )

Open Access

Retroperitoneal schwannoma presenting as an ovarian tumor

F. Tomao,L. Mariani,E. Miele,G.P. Spinelli,S. Tomao

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo200602185

Abstract ( 359 ) PDF (330.63 kB) ( 133 )

Open Access

Aggressressive angiomyxoma of the vulva: our experience of a rare case with review of the literature

M. Varras,C. Akrivis,P. Lekkou,E. Kitsiou,A. Demou,N. Antoniou

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo200602188

Abstract ( 398 ) PDF (3.75 MB) ( 141 )

Open Access

Cervical cancer and low-risk HPV; a case report

E. Gonzalez-Bosquet,A. Muftoz,M. Suftol,J.M. Lailla

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo200602193

Abstract ( 322 ) PDF (283.75 kB) ( 106 )

Open Access

Ovarian hemangioma with elevated CA125 and ascites mimicking ovarian cancer

E. Erdemoglu,M. KamacI,S. Ozen,H.G. Sahin,A. Kolusari

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo200602195

Abstract ( 344 ) PDF (230.09 kB) ( 139 )

Open Access

Well differentiated mesothelioma complicating endometrial carcinoma; a case report

C. Baykal,P. Arioglu,M. Gultekin,A. Usubutun,C. Ficicioglu,A. Ayhan

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo200602200

Abstract ( 483 ) PDF (131.22 kB) ( 142 )

Open Access

Vaginal malignant melanoma in a healthy pregnancy -a case report

M. Gojnic,V. Dugalic,S. Milicevic,Lj. Arsenijevic,N. Popovic,A. Stefanovic

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo200602201

Abstract ( 367 ) PDF (295.41 kB) ( 134 )

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