Vol.33,Issue 2,March 2012

Original Research

Open Access

Clinical significance of serum growth-regulated oncogene α (GROα) in patients with gynecological cancer

R. Nishikawa,'N. Suzumori,T. Nishiyama,H. Nishikawa,A. Arakawa,M. Sugiura-Ogasawara

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo201202138

Abstract ( 389 ) PDF (134.44 kB) ( 112 )

Open Access

The association between polymorphisms of the RAD51-G135C, XRCC2-Arg188His and XRCC3-Thr241Met genes and clinico-pathologic features in breast cancer in Poland

H. Romanowicz-Makowska,B. Smolarz,M. Zadrożny,B. Westfal,J. Baszczyński,G. Kokołaszwili,M. Burzyński,I. Połać,S. Sporny

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo201202145

Abstract ( 365 ) PDF (79.34 kB) ( 127 )

Open Access

Sentinel node disection in the treatment of early stages of vulvar cancer

A. García-Iglesias,M.O. Rodríguez-Martín,R. Ruano,D. Beltrán,L. Peñalosa,B. Hernández-Barreiro,A. Martín de Arriba,J.L. Lanchares

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo201202151

Abstract ( 413 ) PDF (66.14 kB) ( 114 )

Open Access

Minimally invasive mastectomy: minimal incisions for better aesthetic quality of breast reconstruction

M.P. Costa,M.C. Ferreira,J.M. Soares Jr.,A.G.Z. Rossi,E.C. Baracat

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo201202155

Abstract ( 388 ) PDF (202.16 kB) ( 125 )

Open Access

Prognostic importance of selected molecular immunohistochemical markers and DNA ploidy in endometrial cancer

M. Kudela,R. Pilka,M. Lubusky,P. Hejtmanek,P. Dzubak,S. Brychtova

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo201202159

Abstract ( 368 ) PDF (66.75 kB) ( 143 )

Open Access

Evaluation of E6 and E7 mRNA expression in HPV DNA positive breast cancer

A. Frega,L. Lorenzon,M. Bononi,A. De Cesare,A. Ciardi,D. Lombardi,C. Assorgi,M. Gentile,M. Moscarini,M.R. Torrisi,D. French

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo201202164

Abstract ( 414 ) PDF (58.93 kB) ( 131 )

Open Access

Comparison of risk of malignancy indices; RMI 1-4 in borderline ovarian tumor

M.C. Yenen,I·. ALANBAY,E. Aktürk,C.M. Ercan,H. Coksuer,E. Karaşahin,H. Ozan,M. Dede

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo201202168

Abstract ( 372 ) PDF (84.88 kB) ( 138 )

Open Access

Laparoscopic management of unexpected borderline ovarian tumors in women of reproductive age

G. Pados,D. Tsolakidis,H. Bili,D. Athanatos,T. Zaramboukas,B. Tarlatzis

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo201202174

Abstract ( 364 ) PDF (167.05 kB) ( 108 )

Open Access

Accuracy of physician and nurse practitioner colposcopy to effect improved surveillance of cervical cancer

G. Kilic,J. England,M. Borahay,D. Pedraza,D. Freeman,R. Snyder,A.K. Ertan

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo201202183

Abstract ( 367 ) PDF (61.61 kB) ( 112 )

Open Access

Impact of sampling origin on molecular detection of high-risk human papillomavirus and oncogene expression

S. Kahla,M. Achour,S. Oueslati,L. Kochbati,M.B. Chanoufi,M. Maalej,R. Oueslati

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo201202187

Abstract ( 352 ) PDF (272.82 kB) ( 149 )

Open Access

The impact of presurgical magnetic resonance in early breast cancer: an observational study

C. De Felice,V. Cipolla,A. Stagnitti,A. Marini,E. Pasqualitto,M.L. Meggiorini

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo201202193

Abstract ( 370 ) PDF (301.1 kB) ( 138 )

Open Access

Distribution of human papillomavirus types in Turkish women

Z.S. Tuncer,G. Boyraz,N. Şahin,A. Alp

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo201202204

Abstract ( 370 ) PDF (53.94 kB) ( 142 )

Open Access

Do high levels of CA 19-9 in women with mature cystic teratomas of the ovary warrant further evaluation?

M.G. Ugur,E. Ozturk,O. Balat,E. Dikensoy,S. Teke,A. Aydin

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo201202207

Abstract ( 396 ) PDF (67.15 kB) ( 125 )

Open Access

Bilateral androblastoma (Sertoli-stromal cell tumor) of the ovary: a rare cause of virilization in a teenager

A. Warenik-Szymankiewicz,R. SŁOPIEN´,M. Gaca,H. Kędzia,P. Kądziołka,T. Opala

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo201202217

Abstract ( 444 ) PDF (330.25 kB) ( 113 )

Open Access

Malignant mixed Müllerian tumor of the fallopian tube: a case report

T. Watanabe,T. Sugino,S. Furukawa,S. Soeda,H. Nishiyama,K. Fujimori

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo201202223

Abstract ( 373 ) PDF (955.81 kB) ( 138 )

Open Access

Tumor of the mesosalpinx: case report of a female adnexal tumor of probable Wolffian origin

X. Tianmin,C. Weiqim,C. Mianhua,L. Xiaocui,G. Hongwen,Y. Min

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo201202233

Abstract ( 417 ) PDF (244.56 kB) ( 101 )

Open Access

Malignant fibrous histiocytoma of the ovary: a case report

A. Stefanovic,J. Stojnic,K. Jeremic,M. Jeftovic,L. Arsenijevic,N. Zecevic,J. Atanackovic

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo201202236

Abstract ( 366 ) PDF (432.9 kB) ( 103 )

Case Reports

Open Access

The role of surgery in patients with advanced gynaecological cancers participating in phase I clinical trials

J. Vitfell-Pedersen,T.A. Yap,V. Moreno,R.D. Baird,A.Z. Khan,D.P.J. Barton,S.B. KAYE

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo201202211

Abstract ( 340 ) PDF (54.82 kB) ( 111 )

Open Access

Pseudomyxoma peritonei - case report

O. Nikolic,S. Djurdjevic,S. Stojanovic,M. Basta Nikolic,M. Mocko Kacanski,S. Secen

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo201202227

Abstract ( 361 ) PDF (413.61 kB) ( 126 )

Open Access

Borderline clear cell adenofibroma of the ovary associated with ovarian endometriosis: a case report

Th. Vasilakaki,E. Skafida,E. Arkoumani,X. Grammatoglou,N. Firfiris,K. Manoloudaki

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo201202230

Abstract ( 380 ) PDF (837.99 kB) ( 129 )

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