Vol.38,Issue 4,August 2017


Open Access

Cyclins in gynecological tumors

A.Markowska,J.P. Grabowski,E. Połczyńska-Kaniak,J. Markowska

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo3987.2017

Abstract ( 610 ) PDF (100.95 kB) ( 121 )

Open Access

Omentectomy in endometrial cancer: an evidence-based insight

M.R. Brincat,Y. Muscat Baron,E. Borg

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo3714.2017

Abstract ( 2161 ) PDF (351.59 kB) ( 197 )

Original Research

Open Access

Association between SNPs in Wnt signaling pathway genes and ovarian cancer risk in Northern Chinese population

J.D. An,Y.L. Zhao,L.B. Yu,H.W. Wang,C.M. Jin,Y. Wang,H.T. Zhao,B.C. Sun

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo3307.2017

Abstract ( 658 ) PDF (102.09 kB) ( 134 )

Open Access

Nuclear factor-kappa beta pathway and endometrial cancer: a pilot study

E. Yilmaz,E.I. Coskun,M. Gul,N. Sahin,G. Tuncay,Y. Simsek

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo3471.2017

Abstract ( 685 ) PDF (2.2 MB) ( 143 )

Open Access

Ultrasonic scalpel ablation for vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia occurring after hysterectomy

K. Murakami,H. Nakai,M. Aoki,H. Takaya,M. Ukita,Y. Kotani,M. Shimaoka,T. Tobiume,I. Tsuji,A. Suzuki,M. Mandai

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo3572.2017

Abstract ( 732 ) PDF (221.25 kB) ( 148 )

Open Access

Villin immunohistochemical expression in endometrial carcinoma

W. Gomaa,N. Anfinan,K. Sait,H. Sait,A. Oraif,M. Al-Ahwal,J.Al-Maghrabi

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo3602.2017

Abstract ( 643 ) PDF (608.35 kB) ( 128 )

Open Access

Sealing of a drain hole using 2-octylcyanoacrylate monomer after lymphadenectomy for gynecologic cancer

Y.Kobayashi,A. Oka,A. Okiyama,K. Watanabe,A. Kitamura,M. Wada,M. Hino,Y. Hattori,T. Kurahashi,H. Nakagawa

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo3681.2017

Abstract ( 642 ) PDF (215.31 kB) ( 133 )

Open Access

Estimating risk for unexpected uterine leiomyosarcoma on the basis of uterine weight and age

M.R.Asoglu,A.M. Rodriguez,M.A. Borahay,K. Yong-Fang,G.S. Kilic

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo3748.2017

Abstract ( 760 ) PDF (106.79 kB) ( 143 )

Open Access

Intraoperative molecular imaging can identify sub-centimeter peritoneal implants during ovarian cancer cytoreductive surgery

J.L. Tanyi,L. Cory,E. DeJesus,J. Keating,J. Predina,S. Nie,C. Deshpande,P. Low,S. Singhal

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo3954.2017

Abstract ( 676 ) PDF (1.1 MB) ( 113 )

Open Access

Diagnostic accuracy of sentinel lymph node biopsy in women with early-stage endometrial cancer

L. Nejkovic,D.K. Tepavcevic,V. Pazin,D. Opric,D. Filimonovic,R. Anicic,R. Sparic,S. Mihajlovic

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo3821.2017

Abstract ( 721 ) PDF (105.22 kB) ( 143 )

Open Access

Distribution of HPV genotypes and the relationship with CIN

Hong Ma,Yumei Li,Zhiqiang Chen,Liping Liu,Hui Xu,Xiaoyue Yang

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo3888.2017

Abstract ( 711 ) PDF (451.59 kB) ( 145 )

Experimental Research

Open Access

Uterine carcinosarcoma: the TAG systematic review

Y.T. Li,L.Y. Jiang,N.R. Lee,W.H. Chang,C.H. Liu,P.H. Wang,F.Y. Ju,C.P. Tsai,H.T. Ng,the Taiwan Association of Gynecology Systematic Review Group

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo3616.2017

Abstract ( 622 ) PDF (1.01 MB) ( 104 )

Case Reports

Open Access

Placental site nodule (PSN) as a pitfall in histological diagnosis of the uterus

L. Resta,T. Lettin,T. Montrone,R. Rossi,R. Conte,G. Cormio

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo3974.2017

Abstract ( 570 ) PDF (1.79 MB) ( 141 )

Open Access

Ovarian endometrioid adenocarcinoma diagnosed in pregnancy: a case report

A. Guarino,L. Di Benedetto,M. Mallozzi,M. Schimberni,D. Caserta

DOI: 10.12892/ejgo3976.2017

Abstract ( 647 ) PDF (94.95 kB) ( 117 )

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